
Friday, April 29, 2016

A Drive By

I might have been the recipient of a Drive By Plaid-ing recently!

Lois and her girls sent this
Another bag - that I am coveting and will share later

And just in case you are worried
I am working on another plaid quilt
I think this might be Plaid #20

but I have lost count
which is okay 
I am learning that I don't like statistics
and sometimes I just don't care

I have that NEED to create - so I do ;-)

Enjoy !!!

PS - a lot of you are asking what pattern it is - Here you go


  1. I love all of those plaids and will be interested in what you do with them.

  2. Isn't it lovely when the fabric fairie comes to visit. There's nothing like new fabric, no matter how old it is.

  3. I have a plaid quilt in my future -- in the meantime, I'll just enjoy yours!! Salmagundi's Q-Bits

  4. Dan River plaids. I had lots of school clothes made out of those. Wish they were still around as I recall they made nice fabric.

    I wouldn't flash those around. Might be an anti-fairy plaid snatcher out there!

  5. Oh what fun plaids!

  6. You seem to feel the way about PLAIDS that I do about SCRAPS... Can't get ENOUGH of them!!! They make me SEW happy!!

  7. Plaids definitely expand to fill all available space. I went from zero to 2 bins plust made a plaid quilt. My mother obviously didn't explain the birds, bees and plaids to me.

  8. Mary Says Sew!6:48 AM

    Are you collecting plaids? At first, I thought you were trying to use up plaids you'd collected in an earlier phase, but now it looks like you're still hunting and gathering.


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