
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Shutter Zoom

This weeks challenge was wierd for me - after trying so hard to get clear crisp images we learned a blur technique . It was funny.....

The snow came down and there was sparkle on the ground so I thought Oh - I could blur the sparkle and it would be all cool and eerie like.  I was so focused on what I was doing, After each shot I would look at the sample image on the back of the camera.

I took an image of what I though would be the grass through the snow - imagine my surprise when I saw this on the screen:

Kitty showed up just as I was snapping and turning - Surprise!!!

Outdoors wasn't quite working the way I wanted it to - so I headed back in - and started playing with things in the house.  Bonnie S had sent me this card years ago - and I liked it, so it was pinned to the wall....

I liked this one.  It is still hard to deviate from the tack sharp images we all aim for
But - it was fun,

Happy Sunday!


  1. The technique MUST have its advantages (or they won't insist that you practice it), right??? It does make an interesting quilt photo. LOVE the fact that Kitty photo bombed your shot!! LOL


  2. i like that quilt photo!

  3. Judy V. from 0Voll4:07 PM

    The last photo is very stunning!

  4. If you had wanted Miss Kitty to pose, nope, not cooperating. Ask me how I know. I'm going to have to find the $$$ to take Ricky's class. You all have toooo much fun.


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