
Friday, February 12, 2016

My Fur Babies

Just a few of them that would hold still for me to photograph

The girls ( above) would like you to know that you can feed them anytime you would like

And this one - if you have a milkbone - she is all yours!!


  1. That poor little canine girl looks like she's freezing!! And as old as she looks, she should be laying by a fire. Awwww.

  2. Cute fur babies!!! They add so much to our lives!

  3. Love seeing pictures of your furbabies and your human babies yesterday!I guess the rest of your calico kitties were hiding! Thanks for Clue2, sorry you had so many problems today with yahoo. I didn't know anything was wrong until I read the messages, I thought the clues came out on Saturday!Have a great weekend!

  4. What sweet furbabies!

  5. Why are the cats sitting in the snow when there is so much fabric to love inside?

  6. Cute but cold fur babies. Are the kitties sisters?


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