
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Under the Bridge

One of my other challenges was to photograph the view from under the bridge..... Ummm.... sure - so I headed out to the one place near me that I viewed as a bridge, and promptly slid on the ice.....

So.... I didn't go there.... and I dreamed about it, and I wanted to go there - so yesterday - I tried again.

I am SO glad I did.....

Here are my efforts for that slippery track, that wasn't quite as slippery this time - we had more snow on top of the ice.... so a little easier slide ( ha Ha)

This was my Final Image that I chose for the Challenge

This one is shooting from the edge - but it was really hard to see the landscape through the bushes

I really likes the way the wood turned light 

Then of course - you have to try a Black and White photo right?
I liked how the blue clouds turned darker - making it look more winterey
( it was only 11 degrees so -  yess  - wintery)

So now - back to work 
Almost got the T shirt quilts all cut up and lined out the way she wants them ;-)



  1. Beautiful scenery. So cold!

  2. More beauty, thank you!

  3. Judy V from Thornton CO5:48 AM

    Your photos are so neat, whether it is people, quilts or nature. Love the ones you posted today!

  4. Cool. Not cold, although I'm sure it was . . . but cool. Way cool.

  5. outside taking pictures in 11 degree temps?! No thanks!!! You got some nice shots, though.

  6. Love your bridge pictures!

  7. I love the way even the icy weeds have a bluish look!


  8. Glad you didn't go splat like I did yesterday, and wind up with your thumb in a splint. I won't bore you with what else hurts. Take your pick.

    Love the bridge. Wish I had grown up to design them.

  9. Great pictures!! Yep, snow on top of ice does make it easier to walk on!!

  10. Beautiful shot! Ice and snow are always so pretty at least to take pictures of. Not so fun to drive in.


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