
Friday, November 20, 2015

Cut and Shuffle Quilts

Oh I had such fun!!!  Jan O - who blogs over at   is a very talented quilter and pattern designer!  When she asked me to take a look at her book - I responded immediately - YES!!!

And then I wanted to start a quilt!!

So!! So you can take a look at the book - here is the cover:
Ps - that is my photo - not hers - hers - definitely MORE professional 

I sat down immediately and started thumbing through it
Oh what color and great sample quilts!
They made me want to start something!!

I took it with me to my sew group
We all ohhed and ahhhed over Jan's creations

and then I set to cutting!
I decided on Labyrinth.

Alright - full disclosure time 
 I did not decided on Labyrinth - my boys told me that is the one I would make.
They are sort of bossy that way - 
I don't know where it comes from!

I started in cutting fabrics.

And I started stitching and cutting the way Jan showed us to in her book.
It was quite fun.
The descriptions of the How to's are very clear,
and there are photos for the more visual folks

And here is where I am at the moment on the Labyrinth Quilt.
Probably if our power hadn't gone out for 6 hours I would be further a long 
But Mother Nature was not helping me much!
She was blowing and storming - a perfect day to stay inside and stitch
( If one had power to do so)

I am going to send you over to Jan's blog to a post that has more photos
of the quilts you can create with this book. I think you will like what you see!


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  1. Thank you so much, Alycia! Your Labyrinth blocks look great. I'm glad your boys talked you into making Labyrinth! Can't wait to see it finished. I'm glad you're having fun with it. Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. LOL... Alycia, my son is bossy that way too. Your guys picked a goody and I love the way you are making your Labyrinth quilt with the navy and the dotty fabrics! I have Jan's book too and loved it!

  3. Don't you just LOVE having boys with opinions about our quilting?!?!?

  4. This looks like fun! It will be a great quilt. I'm off to check out the book. Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. Oh yeah, I get how it happens that the family decides. Drama Teen and My Guy have been known to get stubborn about new projects. Your version is looking great!

  6. That looks like a fun project. My teenage boys do their best to be supportive. No matter what I make, when I say, "Look at what I made!", I get back an "It's beautiful mom!", when I don't even think they actually look up to see whatever it is half the time.

  7. Oh, what a fun design!

  8. Cut and Shuffle sounds interesting....I'm looking forward to seeing your finished quilt!

  9. Nifty design. Now to find pictures of more quilts from the book.


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