
Monday, October 12, 2015

What a weekend

It may take me all week just to get caught up with what happened this weekend!!  I bet you all are like that too - stuff as much as you can into 48 hours??

Friday Night our FFA department hosted a "Taste of Ag" - and I didn't take any photos - but I sure should have! They did such a fantastic job. There were 11 tables ( or more, I got sidetracked at the Dairy Table) Each table represented a part of Agriculture here in Weld Co, and offered a taste of a food from that sector. Talk about full!!!

Saturday morning found us at the Patriot League Cross Country Meet:

This is my Middle Son ( I am afraid to call them Bit's anymore - they are all taller than me!)

And then we have Little ( or youngest son)
I like the photo below 
That Guy in the dark jacket is my Dad - watching my son finish

I finally got brave and downloaded my Eclipse Photos.
Someone said you should just watch it and then ohh and ahh over others photos.
That made me think I would be better off deleting them  ;-)
But I am glad I didn't - a few of them are pretty cool

Off to work!
Hope you all have a fantastic day!


  1. Great shots of the eclipse! The moon was totally blood red where I was. Thanks for sharing your shots. No more bits...they are all growing up (way too fast!!).

  2. With kids in sports the weekends are so busy it seems. DT didn't play volleyball this year due to the torn ACL from last year. It's been nice not having to run all over the state to VB games.


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