
Friday, October 02, 2015

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge update

I really really have been playing in the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge....
I am just wayyyy slower than most!

My original goal at the beginning of the year was to use my 30's prints scraps
And Bust them ( ALL!)

So  the last month or two was Orange and Reds 
( don't hold me to the exact months - I get days confused real easy!)

I didn't have much Orange 30's
So I combined them with the Reds...

Then - I was out of large scrap piles so I started in putting my leftovers into the same blocks

And I ended up with 17 really scrappy ones
( number 17 is hiding outside the view finder - but I promise - Its there)

And then!!
This is my Conclusion of the 30's for this year

I ended up with 
10 Red Blocks,
17 Purple
11 Green
13 Yellow
17 Pink
21 Blue
and of course the 17 mixups

And now.... 
I need to figure out what I want to do
Mix and Match
Color schemes
2 quilts, 7 quilts
6 quilts
 ( with 106 blocks that is WAY to big to make 1 quilt)

(PS - and THIS is why I have UFO's ....
although that pile is diminishing too!)

Linking to:


  1. Such a delightful block! And using your 30's prints makes them so cheery. Mixed or matched, whatever you decide will be the perfect choice! Have a wonderful, funderful weekend!

  2. Wow! You had a lot of 1930s fabric. It is all so much closer to being a quilt now though. Looking forward to seeing the final sorting of the blocks.

  3. Judy V from Thornton, CO5:51 AM

    Love them all!!!

  4. No matter what you decide, you are going to have some beautiful and fun quilts. Congrats! on busting your scraps.

  5. Your blocks are great! And very timely that I happened across them on Whoop Whoop Friday - I was looking for something exactly like this to make with a jelly roll - and here they were right in front of me. I do enjoy seeing the 30's prints, they seem so happy.

  6. Wow, that's a lot of blocks! You'll figure out something to do with them. I especially like the multi-colored ones. Maybe use them for a border around blocks of one color?

  7. This makes me want to break out my 30's prints! Beautiful blocks and can't wait to see more!

  8. LOVE your 30's block, but those mixed color blocks are my favorite!!

  9. Wow, what a fun way to use up scraps! You always give me such good ideas!

  10. Those blocks make a very cool looking quilt!! Maybe mix and match AND do some color themed :)

  11. Love all of these fabrics and colors!

  12. Way to go -- these blocks will make two gorgeous quilts!

  13. Lots of blocks means lots of possibilities. I'm sure the blocks will speak to you and help you decide what is best. Love the setting for your blocks.

  14. Very fun blocks. At least you have the scraps in block form. It always seems like piecing the blocks into rows goes a lot faster than making the blocks.

  15. I love all these colorful blocks. Love all those prints. So many possibilities.

  16. You can't claim to be slow if you're ready to assemble the quilt! And its a cutie.

  17. Your blocks have turned out beautifully. The white squares diagonals make it unified. Keep up the great work!

  18. Your project is a great way to use those 30's. I stalled out on my bin busting -- thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Ohhhhhh...I like that block in the 30s. I haven't gotten very far on the Stashbusters 30s bin bust challenge and look at you moving right along.

  20. Decisions, decisions. That's why I save the big ones for when my buddy comes down and wants to quilt. She has a good eye and we think alike frequently. The blocks all look great. Good luck with deciding how to put them to use.

  21. What is the name of that pattern? I really like it! Is there a tutorial online? Thanks in advance


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