
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Random Shots from the Ranch

White Horse

You think he is saying hi, but actually he is cussing me.
I didn't have grain with me

He is snarky that way.

Mother and Daughter Horse team

They gaze longingly at the roping arena...

They also participate in synchronized Swimming!
They make quite a pair

Two Face Kitty keeps them all inline though

Enjoy your Weekend!


  1. Looks like everyone is relaxing for the weekend.

  2. Lovely pictures...... I just LOVE that cat !

  3. How dare you visit with no grain??? Your horses are gorgeous! Laughed so hard at your comments on the mother/daughter duo. Synchronized swimming. . . going to be giggling all day ;)

  4. Kitty reminds me of Half & Half a cow on the Alaskan show - Alaska the Last Frontier. Her face is a black half and a white half.
    Love your horses.


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