
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Quilts of Valor - September #3

First - let's do a little check in with our Wonky Star Block Drive.....

Want to see the one's that have come in so far?

These blocks are from Martha - she sent in the nicest letter too - her son has been deployed a few times, and is currently deployed. These quilts are close to her heart - Thank you Martha!!

Ps -Martha thank you for the batting!!

Next come some From Bev in Oh
Didn't she do a great job?

Hugs and Smiles
This Veteran is one of my favorite
I know him lol - His wife is one of our quilters too!

So let's look at some Quilty Inspiration shall we?
This quilt was made by Harriett
and it was Quilted by Me. 

This one was made by Kathy and Connie
and Quilted by Connie

Another one - made by Kathy
Quilted by Connie

Made by Connie and Quilted by Connie
I really love this effect!!

Also made and quilted by Connie
She was on a roll wasn't she?

The Pride City Quilt guild has been busy making the awesome pillowcases for us!!
They made transporting these quilts so easy!

This yummy crumb quilt was pieced and quilted by Pat R

For our Wonky Star Block Drive

Meander Publishing publishes TWO fantastic Magazines
They have graciously offered up one of each these issues as a prize for this week

Aren't they cool?

So - how to win one of each of these magazines?

There are Three chances to win a set - 
All you need to do is send in at least 5 blocks this week - 
They need to be in my post office box by Tuesday the 22nd at 5pm

For each 5 blocks you will be entered in once
and I will draw three recipients 

I will then send you an issue of  Machine Quilting Unlimited AND a Modern Quilts Unlimited

AND - if you head over to their site today -
they are offering 10% off new subscriptions and renewals

Alright - go forth and Stitch!!!

PS - Marci  was the winner of the books from last week - I will be sending them to you soon Marci!


  1. I love your bog but find it very hard to read with the smaller fancy script font.

  2. Beautiful blocks and what awesome quilts this week! And now I am going to go forth and quilt! ;)

  3. LOVE that wavy Flag Quilt! Oh, and just so you know... I've got ONE Maverick Star block cut out and waiting to be sewn. Guess I better get busy on FOUR MORE!!! :P

  4. Can you please tell me (or help me find out) the name of the quilt pattern that is the third complete one? Made by Kathy and quilted by Connie. It looks familiar and I just love it! Thanks!

  5. I hope non-wonky stars will be accepted! :-) Some are, some aren't. Can't all be 'perfect' HAHA!

  6. Very fun wonky stars and fun quilts this week.


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