
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Quilts of Valor 2015 - September!!

Happy Wednesday!!!  I loved the Labor Day holiday - except - it sort of put me out of order ..I will survive!!

The Very First Wonky Star blocks arrived in my box!!! I was so excited!!! They came from Wisconsin!!! Thanks Katie S
Because Katie was the VERY first to send in her blocks.... I am sending here these 3 quilt patterns
Yay Katie - Enjoy!!
Here is the info on the Wonky Star Block Drive

So lets just start this weeks show with a smile!
This Veteran just loved his quilt
It was made by Pat ( formerly of CO)

And our First Quilt Today comes from Margaret and Quilted by Kathy and Sue

Next we have a string Quilt from the Red Hat Crafty Group
Quilted by Kathy and Sue

Next we have an awesome Crumb Quilt made By Lori and Crew
Quilted by Teresa in CO

Teresa also quilted this cool string quilt ( below)
It is made from former Block Drive blocks
Carolyn put it together

We have another String Quilt
Pieced by Sue S
Quilted by Jimmie is the Springs

Jimmie also quilted this string quilt
Put together by Kaje

The last quilt for today comes from Gisela 
and is quilted by Ingunn of Colorado

Another Veteran is snuggling in the Love today!
This quilt was made by Laura
And presented by her husband - another Combat Vet - to a Combat Vet

SO..... if you have read this far,,,,, you are totally wondering WHO the winner of the box of Fabrics is aren't you..... are you ready?

The Winner is:

Teresa D in the Houston Area

Teresa I will email you to get your address and get this box in the mail to you

And this weeks Giveaway is:

Well is it Crooked - and I can't seem to rotate it - Look sideways
These are really neat , inspirational books

To enter to win these books
Leave me a comment ... tell me what you most Favorite Quilting Snack it ;-)

I'll draw a winner next week ;-)

PS - get your blocks in this week - you won't want to miss the prize for this week!!


  1. CHOCOLATE is my most favorite quilting snack! Can there be any other choice??

    THANKS for all that you continue to do for our veterans!


  2. You've got another bunch of GREAT quilts there!! And prizes?? MUST remember to send Maverick Star blocks!!!

  3. Wonderful as always!! Love to see the quilts and their new owners smile.

  4. Books to read. Woohoo! My favorite snack is pretzels. Lovely quilts.

  5. My favorite snack while quilting is eating sunflower seeds. They're very high in calories so I have to monitor myself.

  6. If I'm watching calories, pretzels is my snack; if I'm not it's chocolate, of course!

    Thank you for your generosity!

  7. Loved the QOV quilt show! My favorite snack is popcorn when I want to be healthy and animal crackers when I just don't care.

  8. Don't like to snack while quilting - just drink lots of flavored water. BUT when I take a break, I go for something healthy like apples & cheese, a handful of nuts, trail mix -something to keep my energy up. Then have to wash my hands before I can get back to business!

  9. More fun smiles and fun quilts. My favorite quilting snack is popcorn

  10. What could it be but chocolate?...Especially peanut M&M's. They melt in your mouth.....

    Love the block drive! It gives those of us who quilt for other charities a chance to contribute to QOV too.


Comments make my day!! I love hearing your thoughts!!! Thank you for stopping by and being a part of my Quilting Journey