
Monday, August 10, 2015

Row by Row Design Wall (ish)

I have been collecting these license plates - and purchasing some of the rows of the Quilt shops.  I really Liked the row from Sew Downtown - our local quilt shop.... so I have been trying to find a little time to work on it.....

The pieced are coming together.
I will tell you -  I have made a few pattern corrections to this one - 
Not enough of some squares cut... some not the right size...

Do you tell the shop?  Or just carry on?

And Look!!
My Mom and Dad are helping me out 
They took a little trip
and I might have texted them some of the shops along their route......

This was Utah ;-)


  1. Ah yes, the row by row experience. Early June my daughter asked me if i wanter her to get some store's pattern where she was visiting. I said no, wasn't going to do it because I hadn't (and haven't) finished last year's quilt. Fast forward to mid July. Hubby and I made a dash to northern Michigan to participate in a family event. His sister, also a quilter, greeted me with 2 kits from stores around where we were. Her daughter had two more for me. Well, that did it. On the long drive back home we stopped every couple of hours to pick up more row patterns and/or kits. I'm heading out Wed to go to Northern Va to get a few more. Hum, I guess I will be doing some of the rows this year after all. Sigh. So good for you for actually working on it!

  2. I'm working on a Row by Row quilt, also. It's fun to collect patterns from different shops! I would let the shop know if their pattern has mistakes ~ I'm sure they would appreciate that so they can correct any other patterns they give out.

  3. Lucky YOU!! Having your Mom and Dad help with the row collection!

    Regarding corrections to the LQS row. Call and ask if there have be changes to their row. If not, ask them about the adjustments that you found necessary. They will probably thank you!

  4. Yes, I think you should inform them so it can be corrected or at least put on their website errata page.


  5. I'm not doing the row by row quilts but I think those license plates are too cute! I would probably call the shop about the corrections you needed to make - they'll appreciate it (or they should!) :) Thanks for linking up to MCM!

  6. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I would tell the shop, if they haven't fixed it. I love that picture of your dad! How nice they are helping you collect!

  7. The license plates for this year's row by row are so fun.

  8. I didn't collect rows because I knew I did not have time to do them, however I did pick up one pattern at my local shop.


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