
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Starry Night for Josh Step 4

Hopefully your blocks are all going well?

This is the last step for the blocks - after this one you will have all of them prepared. On Monday ( because I have NO patience) I will show you the layouts . YES Layouts.... there are actually two different ways to lay this quilt out..... so Bonus!!!


Block 4

This next block is a simple Half Square – it will measure 9 ½ by 9 ½ inches. You need 12 blocks total.

Cutting Instructions:

Blue: Cut 2 rows ( wof) 10 inches wide. Sub Cut into 6 – 10 in squares
Red: Cut 2 rows ( wof) 10 inches wide. Sub-cut into 6 10 in squares

You will take the Blue and draw a diagonal line down the center of it ( just like you did in the stars)

Stitch ¼ inch away from the line on BOTH sides.  Then Slice down the line, and press open.  You will then have 12 blocks. I pinned mine since they are such big squares:

Block 5

You will need 24 of these.
Cutting Instructions:
Blue: Cut 6 9 ½ inch strips. Sub cut each strip into 4 - 9 ½ inch blocks

There you go!!! See you Monday Morning for the reveal!!!

So far so good right?????


  1. Alicia,

    I am so excited and caught up on every step so far. After I finish this step the pieces will be put away for 10 days until my sister gets here for a visit. We will sew the blocks together and have our fourth year in a row QOV done. We love working on projects together but we live 400 miles apart. We are happy to be dedicating this one to Josh!

    Blessings to you and them.🇺🇸

  2. I am almost done with the earlier steps, just need to finish a few more stars.
    I'm not sure I have enough of my blue fabric & might have to substitute another blue for the last group of blocks.


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