
Thursday, April 09, 2015

Spring Break Photos

My family and I headed West for spring break, and my children tried to break me.... but I showed them!!  We found some of the most gorgeous places to hike, and had such a fun time - I did take a bajillion photos - are you ready??

First we have the little yellow bird that kept saying... "Run Away...if you hide now they can't try to leave you on the trail"    But I didn't listen... I went anyways!!

We all headed out - we were joined by some of my son's roommates.  Note to self:  when they are ALL runners ( as in Distance Runners)  set some boundaries or mileage limits before the start!

This is such gorgeous Country. So different from where we live - yet still the same state!!

One of the views - we just kept climbing higher and higher.
Only you didn't realize it until you looked down!!

This one just Cracks me up!  We are in the middle of nowhere. We found some old equipment, and it had patent Numbers on it. So instead of writing the numbers down and looking them up when we get back to civilization... they pulled out their phones!!

And - yes - they did find out what it was ( I just can't remember)

We were never more grateful for a fence,
We couldn't go any farther - so alas we turned back around.

But check out what our view was on the way back!!!

We headed back to civilization and food.... lots of food.... and water.... but mostly food - food is always important!!

Just a fun one - I was trying to be all artsy ;-)


  1. Thanks for sharing your Family memories with us, your pictures are beautiful. I love seeing the Vets smiles and the beautiful quilts, too!

  2. GREAT pix! You are brave to go out with all those 'boys' and I can't believe you didn't know you were climbing higher til you looked down. I woulda been huffing and puffing!

  3. Judy V. from Thornton, CO5:57 AM

    Alycia, wonderful photos! How lucky you and your family got to explore this beautiful scenery! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Gorgeous photos! Colorado is such a beautiful and varied state. Does the location where you hiked have a name? or just private property...

  5. Wow, gorgeous place to walk. My calves ache just thinking about all hill climbing.

  6. From a Florida girl the scenery is breathtaking and obviously the pictures are great as they catch that scenery. I definitely can see your last picture framed and on a wall. I love black and white/sepia artwork. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love all those pictures of the Grand Valley. Makes me homesick.


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