
Friday, March 13, 2015


We went out to do chores the other morning - and thankfully - before we all made a loud racket - we saw the eagles.....  and we delayed chores for about 30 minutes as we watched.

First of all - our perspective:

We were on our deck and I am using my longest lens... so Not as Perfect as they could be - but still cool!

This is the whole series - this golden Eagle and the Bald Eagle - are not friends

I am thinking that the bald Eagle won - as this one flew away.   And then we headed out to do chores - so they sat on fence posts and watched us.


  1. Very cool! I love watching birds, but don't get to see many of them during my weekday life. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Eagles are such majestic birds - you got some great shots. I would have been right beside you with my camera. Mine broke and I need to practice with my new one.

  3. WOW!!! You got some GREAT shots!! Thanks for sharing... not something we see here in NC.

  4. Wonderful! You are so lucky to see things like that!

  5. Sounds like a turf war. Glad the bald one won. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the story.

  6. Amazing shots! How cool to get to watch all of that.

  7. What a spectacle! Cool you are able to witness such tings!


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