
Monday, February 16, 2015

The Little Man's QOV

I use the term Little Man loosely.... for I look up to the Little Man on a regular basis now. Wearing my highest Tennis Shoes.... do not help at all!!

We are a tad bit embarrassed to tell you when this quilt was started.... but suffice it to say - I was taller then!

You may not have noticed - but there has been a ton of behind the scenes organization going on here, and someday - I will be brave enough to show you the photos.  Someday, Don't hold your breath.

In all the organization - we have found a few things - and this not quite finished Quilt of Valor was one of them.  So Little Bit sat down and added borders, while I made a back.

We loaded it on the machine and I said... "Go For It", while I sat back and had my adult drink ( Diet Dr Pepper.... don't fret lol) and supervised.  you may remember I am not a good "Sharer" of my machines....

And Ta Da:

Another Finished QOV - ready to go to those lovely Binders!!

Not too shabby for a kid right?

I think I may keep him.

(PS - this is QOV #8 for us this year!)


  1. Congratulations on your great family finish. Number 8 -- what a lot of love going out!

  2. Well if you decide not to keep him, do let me know. I sure could have used his help unloading the truck Saturday night. And there just so happens to be a few quilt tops around for him to finish. AND, I bake cookies . . . often. LOL. Great job on the quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Judy V. from Thornton, CO6:09 AM

    The quilt looks great, and so does the quilting. Fine job!

  4. THis is a wonderful quilt! I love the mix in the rail fence. My kinda quilt.

  5. wow, you had a helper, what fun! And such good work, love it.

  6. I'm SO happy to hear that "Little Bit" actually hopped back on the machine to add borders AND actually QUILT the quilt. That is AWESOME!!

  7. I am SO happy to hear that "Little Bit" hopped on the machine to add borders AND actually QUILT the quilt. That is AWESOME!!!

  8. He did a fantastic job!! He has been watching you and learning in the process ;)

  9. Congrats on another QOV finish. Sounds like you are doing a good job of cleaning up the older projects.


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