
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Remembering Quilt Con

The second Quilt Con is happening now in Austin.... and I am sure everyone is feasting their eyes on all the quilty Gorgeousness that is there...... and having a grand time.

I am here - in Colorado this year - and while I miss the smell of the fabrics, the headyness of the Quilty goodness.... I am glad to be home, in my little creative space.

Being the little camera dragger that I am though - I thought I would share some of my photos from the First Quilt Con - and give you a little glimpse of what was there.... while we are awaiting photos of what is there now ...  ( you got that right? That was a looooong sentence!)

So there you go - a small sample of what was there!!! And if you are at Quilt Con this year - share your photos!!


  1. Thanks for the 'show'. I'll be wandering through QuiltCon tomorrow (I'm so excited!) and it's nice to have a little preview of what to expect. Stay warm and safe!

  2. I love that wonky plaid at the top! Love them all! Thanks.

  3. Aren't there some beautiful quilts there?! I'm home too, warm and blissfully content with that! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lots of fun eye candy. Thanks for sharing.


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