
Wednesday, February 04, 2015

QOV 2015

Happy Wednesday Morning!!

Usually I show a lot of Quilts in their full glory, but I am hoping that today - you will enjoy seeing the quilts hugging our Heroes.  Maybe you will see yours.

This is a Purple Heart Soldier

Another Purple Heart

A beautiful Veteran after coming home from Honor Flight Northern Colorado

I love all the smiles. But the coolest thing is learning how much these Quilts of Valor
Comfort and Heal our Veterans. Past and Present

This Saturday is Quilts of Valor
National Sew Day
You can register here:

And whatever you decide to make  - let me know!!

Here are some free patterns:

I will be glad to direct you to the coordinator in your area, 
or help you get your Contribution to a Veteran.


  1. Just LOVE seeing all of those smiles :)

  2. Judy V. from Thornton, CO6:42 AM

    I've registered for the 2/7/2015 event! I plan to start it today and hope to finish it on 2/7/2015!It is an original design using a packet of four fabric patriotic postcards and making a small wall hanging size with them and use it as a panel. Then this fabric (found a few years ago and it is perfect for this!)will be added around the panel along with sashings in coordinating colors. Wish me luck!

  3. So love the pictures. Thanks for doing this, Alycia!

  4. Yeah, hugs and quilts or is it quilts and hugs? Either way, it's all good!

  5. Yeahhhh, another wonderful Show and Tell!!

    I am loving the quilt in your header - have not noticed it previously. Terrific scrap quilt as well!!

    Elaine, in Snowy western Nebraska!

  6. What a nice selection of quilts. And, it does warm the heart to see these men and women receive a special hug.

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Wow! So nice to see those heros with their smiles. Great of you to do this Alycia. Keep up the good work you do.

  8. Those smiles just tell the whole story.

  9. It's so nice to see the smiles and know that all those beautiful quilts are so appreciated.


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