
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

QOV 2015

Thought I would start you out with a Happy Photo!!!   This is a presentation that was made to Nine Veterans, including a WWII Veteran, and Vietnam Veteran, A Veteran who was on the Cuban Blockade ( as well as in Iraq!) and more!! It was a great time and they really enjoyed their quilts.

Plus I didn't embarrass one of them!!  That's always a good thing!

These next Five Quilts were made by Nancy H in Colorado.  They are just so much fun!
Nancy H in Colorado

Nancy H in Colorado

Nancy H in Co
This one ( above) is going on my bucket list!
I can see it in plaids.... 
Just kidding - Maybe!

Nancy H in CO

Nancy H in CO

These Next two quilts are from the Gloria Christie Quilters in CO
Gloria Christie

Gloria Christie

The Next SIX!! Quilts are from my dear Sue E in Arizona.
She is such a great quilter! And she teaches classes!!!

Sue E in AZ

Sue E in AZ

Sue E in AZ

Sue E in AZ

Sue E in AZ

Sue E in AZ

PS - I am starting the Great Fabric Destash in my sewing room - and posting things on Ebay....

Maybe there is something you need to finish a quilt, start a new project??


  1. Super great show today, Alycia! The quilt # 5 is SO unique.

  2. Goodness! You are off to a prolific start to the New Year! What a blessing to our service men and women - those smiles go all the way to their hearts.
    I need to destash too!

  3. That's a GREAT picture and loads of fabulous new quilts. And I'm NOT looking at your Ebay--I SHOULD be doing a lot of that myself!! Just too lazy, I guess.

  4. Yay for the destash (for the rest of us!) and love the parade as always!

  5. Love the smiles, as always. Glad the older Vets got some recognition, too. Without them we'd be speaking Japanese or German, I bet.
    So many yummy quilts in today's show. Thanks for taking the time and making the effort so we can see them.

  6. Great show as always!

  7. Pat R5:32 PM

    Each Wednesday quilt show just gets better and better!! I'm piecing and quilting as fast as I can!! These are such an inspiration.

  8. Gorgeous quilts.

  9. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Love your weekly quilt shows. I look forward eagerly to see the smiles and all the new quilts. Thank you so very much for what you are doing for our service men and women.

  10. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Love seeing the QOVs & smiles every week. However, the font(type, size, lightness) used is difficult for my tired/old eyes to read. Sue

  11. Wonderful! There is nothing nicer than making these quilts....well, and charity dog beds. They are both so well appreciated. Gives you that warm glow just to see them.


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