
Monday, December 08, 2014

My Design wall might fall down

I might have maybe,sort of, kinda overloaded my design wall... maybe....

In my defense.... my brain is a little overloaded as well... so I might as well have it all out there... right?

I have been working on using my scraps, finishing projects, working on new ideas, and back to scraps ..... and you know how you work on stuff and it doesn't seem like you are making any progress - and then BAM!!! There's a lot almost done at once???? No??? you don't?  You must be one of those organized quilters I dream of becoming..... some day!

Are you ready for the full disclosure..... can you handle the truth?

My design wall.... I will not tell you how many projects are up there - but you can see at least.... well.... three???

So let's peel it off - this is the heart blocks - (Tutorial found Here)   I only completed 9 of the RSC color challenge blocks. BUT!! It is Nine more than I had at the beginning of the year - so I am good with that.   It is going into top stage Right! Smack! now!

And then under that - peaking out to the right hand side are my Scrappy Logs.  I have most of my scraps organized into these little bins, and when the bins overflow - I have to do something. This has been year of the Red's and Blues.....

My bins....

I made this from the bin

And made this one from the bin

And even after those two quilts.... I still have full bins - so I have been making these wonky log cabin blocks as leader ender type blocks.... I say type, because sometimes they are all I work on before my time is up.

My advice to myself. Do not put the bins away until they are empty.
I have the room on my table - so why not! Plus I have 8 more blocks in progress.
They finish at 12 1/2 inches so it will be at least one quilt when its all done.

And that is my scrappy advice for the month!

Go see what others have up on their design walls at
and Tuesday - go check out all the scrappy goodness at


  1. LOL, I have never had my design wall fall down but it would make me sad if it did. . . might scare the scraps out of the pups too! See what I did there? haha

    LOVE your wonky log cabin blocks!! Can't wait to see it all quilted up... ahem. . . AND bound! ;)

    I manage my scraps by . . . giving them away!! LOL

  2. What could be more fun than an overflowing design wall! Love those hearts. 9 blocks is a lot more than none, so congratulations on putting so many lovely scraps to good use.

  3. I love them all. It's so heart to pic a favorite. (g)

  4. My design wall looked like yours last week. I think there were 4 projects up there! I have it finally down to one but now I have a stack to be quilted! Your scrap quilts are all so pretty!

  5. Your design wall has got it going on!

  6. Love the hearts and logs - you didn't mention the other quilt on the DW.
    Now I've gotta check out the link for the hearts.

  7. Ha, ha -- I won't show you a picture of my wall and just how many projects are there! And you are not alone--I have those same voices in my head.....

  8. Listen to the voices they are making sense! Adore those hearts!

    Do we ever get to the bottom of those scrap bins?

    Thanks for linking up your #scraptastictuesday project!

  9. I love these blocks!!! I admit to being the same style quilter as you! ;) Discovering the leaders-enders process has saved my butt from being labelled an official scrap hoarder, as scraps actually do move out of my bins. albeit at a very slow rate! Looking forward to seeing more of your blocks!! X!

  10. Sometimes I think I'd like to be organised but I prefer to jump from project to project as the whim takes me! This is a hobby after all!

    Great scrappy projects! Thanks for sharing.
    (1st time visitor from Scraptastic Tuesday)

  11. I love your heart blocks! Are you going to make 12 or just stop at 9?

    I like working on lots of projects at once. It's thrilling to hit the point where you realize you have enough blocks done to actually make a quilt.

  12. Great hearts. I especially like how the purple one uses only a few fabrics in comparison to the others. Isn't it interesting how using scraps doesn't ever seem to empty the bins? :) Very nice projects!

  13. Your design wall does look good. It will be nice to see those hearts made into a top. And keeping the bins front and center is a good idea. Your log cabin blocks are so pretty!

  14. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Oh those hearts. I absolutely love them. I have been thinking about what I want to do for RSC this year (I assume there will be a challenge this year??)
    I may take this as inspiration and make the heart blocks. They grabbed me as soon as I saw the thumbnail picture on Lorna's site. (Actually the post title grabbed me as well - so cute.) Going to link over to the tutorial you mentioned.

    Merry Christmas!!

  15. I love the log cabin scrap quilt ;)


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