
Monday, November 24, 2014

UFO Monday

Oh my gosh - I do NOT know what got into me.... but.... I was watching others finish up past Bonnie Hunter Mysteries .....  and I started to remember that one of my 2014 goals was to finish the UFO's under my ironing board..... ( DO NOT ASK IF THAT IS ALL OF MY UFOS... just sayin')

So while watching some superheros with my sick kiddo I started staring at my under cubbies....

I determined that I have finished EVERY UFO under there except one.... and it was calling.... as crazy song .... and I pulled out the bucket.... and.... well.....

Look what I started to finish!

Any one remember this BH mystery?

Yep... it's Orca bay !!

I did make some progress  on it - at least getting the parts in to pieces.  I even got TWO whole rows put together - Yay me!

Of course - no progress was made on Sunday - we had our QOV sew day and a special presentation!! I need to download photos and finish paperwork and I will be ready to share that on Wednesday!!


  1. it looks great! good job

  2. I love the colors in your quilt. Good luck with continued progress!!

  3. I am eating chocolate and cheering YOU on! LOL You KNOW this is going to be amazing once you have it all together! Can't wait to see the special presentation!

  4. Well, Alycia, if you'd quit sittin' around on the couch eating bon bons, maybe you'd get a little more done!! LOLOL!! It's not like you're busy or anything. All I need to do is get two borders on Easy Street--you'd think I'd get it done! But NOOO! HA

  5. I finished my Orca Bay on schedule. I got it quilted. It has sat unbound since then. Every so often I look at it and vow to just put a binding on it but it hasn't happened yet.

  6. Your Orca Bay will be dynamite!!!

  7. How could you let that lovely quilt sit around unfinished! I know...kettle - black! I really do like it though and hope you stick with it to the end.

  8. Mine's not finished either yet. Still needs borders and quilting & binding.

  9. Any progress is good. I love the vibrant colors you used for that one. It's going to be gorgeous.

  10. Yay you! I stalled out on Orca Bay for a while too, but it felt so good to have it finished. It is a beautiful quilt. Love your colors! Hope you get it done soon.

  11. Don't feel bad, mine's been done since we did the mystery -- just waiting to be quilted.....guess I won't have any excuse here shortly.....

  12. I'm sorry you're kiddo's sick - hope he's better soon, but I'm glad you got to dust off your Orca Bay and make progress - its going to be beautiful!

  13. I didn't discover Bonnie until last year's mystery. Orca Bay is high on my to-do list.


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