
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Scrappy Scrappy Scrappy

That is the theme around here this week - and thank goodness my husband and kids don't care what my sewing table looks like!  They are even careful when opening and closing the doors this week ( wind damage to my designs results in NO dessert!)

I got my Orange RSC blocks finally done - this one was September's color

I was asked early on how I did these - so I wrote a quick little tutorial on how I did them.....  I should mention - there is chocolate consumed, and that is what keeps me at my sew table... yep - confessions ;-)

Here are a few other Orange Quilts I have made.

This one is from the Monochromatic challenge from Patchworktimes - a few weeks ( alright years) ago. Still not quilted.... Hmmmm Maybe that should be a goal for 2015??

But with the scraps from that quilt came this little quilt:
And it IS quilted ... please notice.... it is BOUND!
Oh ya - extra credit!!

And now after my heart block - I think I might have enough scraps....

for a whole nother 6 or 7 blocks!! *accckk* how does that happen? 
I have NOT added any orange to the bag!!!

For more Scrappy goodness head to 


  1. Wow - fantastic orange scrappiness! Definitely ideas I am tucking away for later.

  2. What a lot of beautiful orange goodness. So bright and happy!

  3. All your oranges are so fun!

  4. Love your orange quilts! The heart is great, too.

  5. Although as a beginner many, many years ago I started quilting making patchwork quilts....I rarely make them anymore but your certainly make me want to!

  6. sure, that orange heart is awesome... but have you dealt with brown yet?? I am almost depressed by it! silly me. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  7. Your orange heart is great, and I love your other scrappy orange quilts too.

  8. I think the scraps multiply at night..... mine seem to keep getting more and more no matter what I do! Great orange projects..... and binding on and everything!

  9. Love all your orange projects!

  10. Oh what a bunch of orange scrappy goodness! Way to go!


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