
Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Monday!!

it's a windy Monday Morning here.... and after this weekend... it's a let down ;-)

Here is what is up on my design wall:

Blocks for our Block Drive... read all about it here:

This is what it will become....But I didn't get super far because I was a little distracted....

and here is why!!  We had a chance to go watch our son run!! That's him in the Hot Pink Shoes.... they warm up to run. and the warm up is more than I run in a ... well lets be honest... a month!

This is the start of the race - can you imagine seeing all those Mavericks running at you?  ( Mine is 233)

The course was really cool - and around these really cool fields . Little Bit and I found lots of shortcuts so we could get in front of them and cheer. It was fun!  And of course, our course was way shorter than those runners!!!

I might have got a little distracted... Look what was flying over ( F16)  and it was so awesome!!
For more design walls and Monday inspirations hea d to:

Stitch by Stitch  and
Patchwork Times


  1. Looks like a fun weekend. What beautiful scenery.

  2. Looks like you had a good weekend. Hope he did well in the race.


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