
Friday, August 01, 2014

Found Coins

In January - I was cleaning my Scraps and I found all these coin blocks.

I had no idea what they were from, until I searched my blog. They were from a Color challenge - in 2011 I think....  So I started playing with the coins.  And this is what I came up with.

Are you ready for picture overload?  I Quilted it, and decided ( again) I like the quilt better upside down....

So - I really didn't have an idea of how I wanted to quilt it. 
I had it one the frame and thought - well - a circle will look good there.

And then I kept going.

it was really a LOT of Fun

I would like to point out - 
It is quilted - and bound - and has a hanging Sleeve.

Were you surprised - that I - Alycia - bound a quilt?
I know... I was too!


  1. Congratulations on the found blocks and on the amazing quilting and binding!!!!

  2. Really great quilting.

  3. It looks fantastic! Great job turning those orphan blocks into something beautiful. Your quilting is amazing!

  4. I prefer it upside down too. Your quilting in the circle is really interesting. I'm keeping that for future ideas.

  5. I'm not surprised... and I love the quilting. It is inspired! Looks like "joy" and "enjoyed" would look. Another amazing quilt, Alycia. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM

    And that beauty needs to be entered in a quilt show,. Laura H.

  7. Wow, your quilting is amazing!

  8. Judy V from Thornton,CO4:28 PM

    Wow! I love your quilt! You are an inspiration, too. Yes, it looks great upside down, too.

  9. Gorgeous quilting... great job!

  10.! That quilting just leaves me speechless - and that's a rare thing! Just gorgeous. It must have taken you forever, but what a finish!

  11. Beautiful quilting! Love how you used the coin blocks, very bright and fun.

  12. Love what you did with the left over coins and your quilting is amazing. Stellar overall.


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