
Monday, June 02, 2014

Black and White with Red all over

remember that joke??? tee hee

Isn't this a cool quilt? I believe it is a Yellow Brick Road pattern ( byAtkinson Designs)  I just love that pattern. This one was pieced by Jeannie in Greeley

I decided to use Red thread on it. I don't know if the pictures do it justice - but the texture is amazing!!

And the back - fun right???

Enjoy your Day!!!

Here is your Wildlife Photo for the day:


  1. Is it the zebras or the nuns? Love the pun.
    And the wildlife photo, so beautiful.

  2. Love your b/w quilt. I have been intending on doing one, just never get to it in my list of things to make! I would add just a few spots of either red or yellow in it. Just got to get it higher on my to make list!
    quiltingnanny at yahoo dot com

  3. Very cool indeed!


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