
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2014 Quilts of Valor 6/15

I hope you are all sewing away and have finished Clue 1 in the Allegiance Mystery!!

Now you can take a small break and check out these awesome quilts:

This one was made and quilted by the Columbine Quilt Guild.  I like the graphic-ness of it ;-)   yes - I am allowed to make up new words... my Momma said it's okay!!

A little while back I was invited to speak at the InterFaith Quilters of Longmont... so I gathered my wits and headed out... They had a surprise for me!!! This quilt and the next one are a little bit of their surprise!!

The "Snowball Quilt" is also from Interfaith. What an amazing group of quilters. So friendly and nice... and oh my the quilts they make!!!

This lovely was Pieced and Quilted bu Connie of Loveland. Connie is amazing. She does everything - Pieces - quilts - washes quilts - is so nice to me!

This is another one from Connie. The star blocks all around the outside are the Moda Just One Star blocks. They have all been signed by their makers.

Kathy - Connie's Faithful sidekick - Pieced this one. and Connie Quilted it.  I think it is that Dancing Nines pattern from  - if it is not, there is a similar quilt there ;-)

This one is pieced by Jeanette of Greeley and Quilted by Me... I jokingly call it Black and White with Red All oVer... I used Red Thread to quilt it.

This is another Quilt pieced By Connie and Kathy - and Quilted by Connie. I think you can click on the photo and see the cool car fabrics. I love it!

Here is another By Connie and Kathy. The combined Moda Just One Star Blocks, and some of the QOV Block Drive blocks from the QOV website last year.

And Last for Today.... One of our Big Blowout Block Drive Quilts - Pieced by all of you, put into a top by Karen and quilted by Carolyn in Windsor.

Hope you enjoyed todays Quilts!  Come back tomorrow for the Second Clue in our Allegiance Mystery!!


  1. Quilt #1 caught my eye...and then of course I just had to take a look at all the others. What a lovely, generous gift from the Interfaith group!

  2. Love them all, but the dancing nines pattern looks really user friendly!

  3. Another wonderful Show - thank you!

  4. As always, a great show. Hard to pick a favorite, but I do love the blue and yellow best.
    Thanks for sharing them - always inspirational.

  5. I love the first quilts. I love the versatility of half square triangles. I can see one of these in my future!
    I am still working on clue #1.

  6. I love the eagle fabric from Connie, will she share
    the name and company that makes it? I would love to have some for a QOC
    Gwen Ziegler

  7. It is hard to pick a favorite, they are all great quilts.

  8. Another fine show - and I love, love, love that eagle strippie by Connie of Loveland. Simply presented yet a stunning look.
    Kathy T. in Tampa


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