
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Many Lives

We all have many lives - and in my quilting life - when something goes wrong, there is a diagnostic path to take. If my long-arm has an issue I call the wonderful folks at Nolting and they talk me through it.

But the conversation is like - "When you are looking from the front do you see a yellow light. When you push the red button does it blink?  Well then you need to do A... then B"... and BAM! It's fixed and ready to go.

In my other life .... We notice a horse not acting right and we take action. As in this morning... at 5:30 am, we find ourselves guessing what is wrong. We self diagnose that it is colic-ing and we start walking.

But then we find ourselves second guessing our diagnosis... so we call our AWESOME Vet clinic ( Countryside in Greeley for anyone wanting to know)  and they say, "What is he doing?"  and you say well... he was grumbling, then he was stretching, and when I touch his belly he is not happy.... "Alright - I am on my way."

And then they get here and You are pretty sure that everything has calmed down - but you are SO grateful the vet came anyways. And of course, they still check him out. Confirm your diagnosis, but then remind you that it always could go either way - so you were alright in calling.  ( I always feel bad to make them come out for no good reason - I am glad they think I am not a dork and come anyways)

It is now 10 am and said horse has been walked, medicated, and is looking pretty happy. Glad I work at home so I can keep checking in on him.

And then as your awesome Vet is leaving - he tells his new assistant. "Whenever we get a call from Carmins'... its a no brainer - head on out".   And I bust up laughing .....

Seriously - Best Vets Ever!

And now - back to my other life ;-)

This is NOT said horse.... I just think you needed a picture of a horse ;-)


  1. Yup... I definitely need a photo of a horse about now!

    Hope the colicky horse is feeling much better...

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Glad horse is feeling better and I know you're happy to be available to keep an eye on him. Isn't it wonderful to have a Vet that is responsive and concerned for your critters!! Hope you can get some quilt-y work done.

  3. Oh no! It's not my Dixie is it??? Hope everyone is OK???

  4. Thanks for the heartwarming read.

  5. Don't you wish they could tell you what's wrong? Glad it wasn't anything more serious.

  6. Always need my dose of QOV quilts, but always enjoy your nature photo of the day, too. Or, in this case, a horse story/photo!


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