
Friday, February 21, 2014


Yesterday was Ansel Adams birthday - he was born in 1902.  I was not.... just clearing that up for you ...

I have long admired his work, and abilities. When I was a kid I would load the Black and White film into my Dad's 35mm Minolta (a star camera!) and trek out into the backyard to find a Yosemite of my own.  I had fun, I had indulgent parents.

I do not claim to be another Ansel Adams - I do claim to be inspired by his work. I am also VERY grateful for digital cameras. Sometimes he could only take 5 photos in one trip - as he had to carry the glass to create the photos - AND he sat still.  I have been known to take 500 photos in less than a mile. ( thank goodness for delete!)  AND I have been known to NOT sit still... I am working on that tho..

Here are some photos from my most recent ventures in Colorado:

I am not sure what type of plant this is - I know that it was by a river, there were lots of ducks in it - so I am going to assume it is nutritious....

Do you ever wonder what has happened to make a tree look like this?  We were thinking dinosaurs.

I love leaves - they reflect the sun so differently.

The kids wanted to climb this one - I am not real sure how that would work...
Have a great Friday!!!


  1. We have much in common. I really enjoyed seeing your black and white photography. Brings back many memories. I, too, am very thankful for digital, as I often fire off just as many shots as you!

  2. I was discussing this with the photographer from the newspaper yesterday. He said he had taken a class from one of the photographers for National Geographic and learned they staged many of the photographs in the magazine. We talked about how nice it is to be able now to see what you shoot immediately after taking the picture. Remember when you got 12 pictures on a roll of film and had to wait 2 weeks to get it developed and how you would get it back only to discover all 12 shots were too dark or out of focus :) Oh how things have changed!

  3. I've been taking pictures in "sports" mode to keep up with fast-moving grandchildren, but now I've learned how to turn on "burst" along with "sports" mode....I'll be able to take just as many pictures as you...if not more.(And it makes that neat sound you hear on some TV shows.) LOL Then, how do I decide which ones to keep???

  4. Beautiful black and white images. Digital cameras are the best, the delete button can not be overrated.

  5. Absolutely stunning! Ansel Adams is a favorite of ours too.

  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Great post & amazing pictures!!! I love photography too! I even have a "Photography" tab on my quilt blog. I post pictures that I take on there frequently. You should check it out! -Brittany


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