
Monday, February 10, 2014

Oh Boy....

Have I got projects goin' on.....

We spent Saturday at a Memorial Service of one of the Great Cowboys in Wyoming. Our drive was a little scary at times. The wind and the ground blizzards were more than we expected, but the Memorial was so amazing. Wrangler Man and his family all knew this man, stock contracted with him, rodeoed  with him, and were coached by him. It was a great service, and packed.

Sunday - I was motivated. Motivated to cut stuff apparently - my design wall itself is empty - but that's cuz its all over my cutting board:

it has FOUR!!! Count em - FOUR projects on them - and that does not include the backing I am finishing for another quilt. I just have to add borders to it ...

I need a longer weekend... maybe I can finish something up!

Then we got a call in the afternoon - our friends raise pigs - and Farmer Boy is ready to raise another one. Their Mama pig had piglets = OH MY GOSH - they are SO cute. She let us see them, and hold one, and pet them... and I want to make them my own!

For real design walls - head over to  and check it out!


  1. We're looking forward to seeing your newest projects. Looks like I should I buy stock in the marshmallow company again. You're going to need a few of them, LOL.

  2. I've tried working on four projects at once, it gets too confusing to me. Good luck getting them all done.

  3. I get in moods where I just do a lot of cutting also, then my next stage is just doing a lot of piecing, LOL

  4. That looks like lots of slicing and dicing went on this weekend!


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