
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

My Story

Today started earlier than most days - I was up and running a 5 am... not up and dragging. I got chores done, kids moving, dogs fed... AND I got dressed up. I was going to be a judge at the Regional FBLA competition - and we had to 'business dress" too.

If you haven't heard or gotten involved in your local High Schools FBLA- do it! They are awesome kids, and they want to learn from you...
I came out to the front room and one of my children said - We need to take a picture to prove you can dress up. *sigh*  But off we went - it was snowing and icy and I needed extra time to get them to school, and then get to the competition.

I had a great time judging, and then headed back. The roads were worse, and the wind was blowing..... and I got to our road - and I gunned it the Whole way. The wind had blown over the road in spots and in spots was Waaaay deep.

Of course, that panicked me a little bit, so I came in - changed into farm clothes and took the dogs out. Then I fed... every animal goes into starvation mode I believe. And I determined that I should probably take a vehicle down the road and leave it, just in case we get more snow.

By the time I got the truck warmed up and ready to go - the tracks from me coming up the road - were blown over..... So I parked the truck , walked up to the house, and texted my tractor friend.
 My tractor friend came and plowed our road, so I could take my car(an SUV - so still 4wd)  to go pick the kids up....

and then we came home - and I realized - I never took a picture of me all dressed up... so you will just have to take my word - that I can do it.  Earrings, dress shoes and all..... *sigh*
Off to sit by the fireplace and read my new book - Fallen Women from Sandra Dallas...I LOVE Sandra Dallas!


  1. Your snow storm came and found me today! 6ish inches here. I wish someone would have taken a photo of you walking up to your house all dressed up???? JK

  2. What a day. Glad you are safe and sound at home now and not out in all that winter wonderland.

  3. Ugh, snow! Does that elk have a radio collar on her??

    I remember taking a vehicle out to the road.

  4. Looks like a winter wonderland there. It's so pretty, till you have to get out in it!


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