
Sunday, December 15, 2013


My dear Sweet Pat helped us fulfill some of our Quilt of Valor Requests within our state. I am so grateful for all the quilters who have really stepped up to the plate!

I am pretty sure this quilt was made by Lori in NV... he sure appreciated the honor of receiving a Quilt of Valor. He was adamant to make sure no one gets forgotten. Love that passion

And another Veteran with his family. So very sweet and grateful for the quilted hugs!
Thanks Pat for making these presentations!


  1. It's always a delightful way to begin my day when I read your posts about presenting QOV! Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Love the happy feels! What a wonderful thing you all are doing for our veterans!

  3. Always an honor to see these presentations Alycia!

  4. It is indeed a great thing to see such smiling faces of our vets and their families!

  5. It's hard not to smile when you have your own quilt. Thanks for sharing these!


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