
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Happy December - QOV show!

As many of you know - there was a special on NBC nightly News about Quilts of Valor - and it sparked a LOT of interest. A LOT of interest in getting Quilts of Valor to some of our deserving Veterans.

Colorado was not Exempt - we had quite a few requests for Quilts to be presented. And thank goodness we have a legion of generous Quilters - not only to make the quilts( thank you ALL!!)

... but there are some that are local to areas so that I wasn't driving all over the place.

One of these lovely ladies is Judy V.

Here are a few of the most recent Quilts of Valor that Judy has finished:

Aren;t they fabulous? I went and spoke at Judy's Guild - and this was a part of her Show and Tell. And what a great bunch of Quilters at her guild. I am funnily- a shy person- by nature, so I usually have to gear myself up to be in a large bunch..... and talk in front of them - but they were just so nice!!!  I loved it... and I only talked for.... forever lol

So...back to our requests - we had one in the area, and so I asked Judy if she would like to do it....  and then - just to surprise her - I chose one of her quilts to present to him.

You can not probably tell - but this man would not let go of his quilt. It was just so sweet. The thing that struck me this time- is he told us he didn't have very many good memories of the war. And then we wrapped his quilt around him, and all the good memories came flooding back. The men he served with, the good that they did, the love of his family, and of course his wonderful wife.

That was really just so neat to me. What a great man with a big heart.

Thanks for stopping by - Quilt on ;-)


  1. What a great story! And the reason we do what we do! I love the show and tell quilts! SCRAPPY! You're amazing!

  2. Judy V. from Thornton, CO9:35 AM

    What a lovely surprise it was to see your post this morning, Alycia! Really, it is an honor to make QOVs for our deserving service people and veterans. We know how healing quilts can be, but this was truly driven home to me more than ever when the very nice veteran opened his heart about his experiences!

  3. What a Dear Lady! I want to be Judy V. when I grow up. (She makes beautiful quilts and gives them to strangers.)

  4. I love this story! Judy has become my friend after we "met" online on the QUILTING BOARD. She has been so kind to mentor me and offer help as I have learned to quilt on my long arm machine. Judy is so generous with her time and with her beautiful quilts! This is such a great way to honor those who have given so much for all of us. THANKS JUDY and ALYCIA, TOO!

  5. That was so sweet of you to choose one of Judy's quilts for her to deliver to the veteran! It sure looks like he love it! Thank you so much for sharing this with the rest of us!

  6. What a sweet story. Judy has made some beautiful quilts.


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