
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Presents

My Middle son - Middle bit - was so excited this year. He got to work with wood, and in his shop class he made a present for Wrangler Man.... the only problem was hiding it.

We thought about the barn - but that's where all the grain, the saddles, the things we use daily are....

We thought about the Other house.... we thought we had it really really hid, and then I asked Little Bit to take something out there. He came is and said - What is that mrmrndmdn ?  I clamped my hand over his mouth as soon as I had realized what I had done.

So we needed another hiding spot. Middle Bit asked if I could sneak it into his room?  Well - it would fit in his room, there was just no way to get it in.... there might have been a tornado hit in there...

At last, we decided that Wrangler Man does not go into my quilting room much, and if I maybe draped some fabric over the present it wouldn't be noticeable....

AND !!! IT!!  WORKED!!

Ta da!!! Middle Bit made Wrangler Man a Sawhorse. Wrangler Man was SO pleased... he is a little afraid to use it- it is so nice! So right now it resides in our house....


  1. The best gifts are always the handmade ones!

  2. Ohhh that is so funny. What a great gift. I would have offered to hide it in my sewing room, but then Dolly wouldn't fit. Glad you found a solution. When I need help with my next wood working venture, I'll know whom to call. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm sure Wrangler Man was pleased as punch! I know my Dad would have been! Happy New Year!

  4. I hide my Christmas gifts in my fabric closet because I am the only one that goes in there. That worked up till the day my guy decided it was also the perfect place to hide his gifts for Drama Teen too (that way I could just wrap them with the others). Thankfully his gift was so big that we had to hide it behind the couch covered with a banket. Glad your hiding place stayed secure this year.

  5. Whatta great gift! They both look so proud, and you know the Grinch, I mean Wrangler Man will cherish it forever!


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