
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quiltygirl Sponsored Quilts of Valor Show

Just so you know - this is almost the last post about the blocks coming in for the Big Blowout Block Drive. Any blocks that were not in my possession as of Tuesday morning will be listed on next weeks post... and then.... the drawings will begin!!!

So - we will have a block post finale on November 6th and winners will start being announced on Nov 8th... Keep checking back!!

And now a word from our Sponsor:

"That's me!!!
I purchased a long-arm machine 9 years ago (wow) and asked my children what my new business should be named.... the first suggestion was *Quiltygirl*  and so - my quilting business became *Quiltygirl*

You can find my website and you can even find some quilts for sale Here

and of course you can follow me on Facebook at

This has been such a fun journey, and I have learned so much over the years as my quilting skills have increased. I enjoy the process of enhancing each quilt that comes my way.

I take quilts to quilt through the mail, as well as in town. Each quilt that comes in is so much fun to work on - I love seeing the fabrics that quilters choose, and the designs they use. If you are interested in having a quilt quilted - you can always contact me through these websites. I try really hard to update the top right corner as to the times frames available.

Here is a Quilt of Valor that I just finished up - you may recognize the blocks??

 This was a fun one! I did some stars and wavy lines in the Stripes -so it gave it the look of blowing in the wind, and did more up and down lines in the blues.

 Thank you for allowing me to sponsor this block drive"

And now.... the blocks!!  ( this is a long list!!)

Liz in CO (120)
Rene in ONTARIO (35)
Wilson United Methodist Quilters in CO (21)
Sharon J in AR (40)
Cameron Quilters Senior Center (20)
Judy V in Thornton (25)
Wanda E in TX (20)
Kevin H in MO(80)   (he blogs at
Bev B  in MO (100)
Mike P in MO (20)
The Fabricators in IA (80)
Maureen H in NY (1)
Margaret H in LA (5)
Barbara W in NJ (36)
Clair Y in NV (100)   ( plus she sent two boxes of color catchers... she must have known we will have a TON of quilts to wash - Thank Clair!!)

Here is the list of Sponsors again - hope you get a chance to check them all out. They have been so Generous!

Vicki Welsh Hand Dyes:
Clothworks  :
Superior Threads:
KimmyQuilt – Kim Brunner:
Waterpik :
Quilters Dream Batting : :


  1. A few weeks ago the total was 2461. I'm guessing it's over 3000 now - just Wonderful!

  2. I LOVE the way that latest quilt came out. And you are getting TONS of quilt blocks! WOW! Just wish I was able to contribute but with all the work/fix-up going on around this house, I've had little-NO time to stitch. A couple of stitches taken the past few days but that's about it. I know you'll have LOTS of quilts to hand out once these blocks are all together. GOOD WORK, peeps!! LOL

  3. Love the RW&B quilt... those blocks do turn into a great quilt! The quilting makes it even better!

  4. You are doing such a wonderful job on all the QOV's! I really like this last one. It does look like it's waving in the wind!

  5. Wow, it's looking like you had a very successful block drive! That's a lot of blocks.

  6. Did you get the blocks our group sent in??? Peace by piece quilters? I hope so, I sent three tops and fabric and 40 blocks.


Comments make my day!! I love hearing your thoughts!!! Thank you for stopping by and being a part of my Quilting Journey