
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mexican Fish

A few of you asked me what Mexican Fish is.... although Martha Stewart says that bloggers are not professionals... I will tell you what we call Mexican Fish.... and declare that I am not a cooking expert.

As a matter of fact - I am more of a cooking survivalist... I could survive on Dr pepper and chocolate, but apparently children need balanced meals... go figure;

Mexican Fish according to me:

I take about 6 pieces of a white fish – I used pike the first time as that’s what we had caught – and then another time I used tilapia, and white bass....

Lay it out in a dish, used about 1 cup of salsa and spread it over the fish

Cover with crushed tortilla chips

Sprinkle about 1 1/2 cups cheese over the top

Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes

That’s it – and my kids eat it up!!


  1. I LOVE the "cooking survivalist" tag! That's me. When my husband would go on business trips (for 1 to 3 weeks) my goal was to eat only what was in the trips to the grocery store (I hate going grocery shopping). Sometimes it was like being a contestant on Chopped, but I did just fine.

  2. Sounds relish! And we're off to town this morning, so perhaps we'll pick up some fish ... Thanks for sharing!

  3. Gonna try this, sounds Yummy. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sorry to be so blunt.... you all need balanced meals - heavy on the brightly colored veggies - because you need to keep a really good immune system. That's what fights disease and cancer. (This is the best advise you will ever get.)

  5. Fast, fun and nutritious! The perfect meal!


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