
Monday, September 30, 2013

Design Wall Monday - Pre planning

I am making a certain someone a quilt....  right now - I have the fabrics, a few are cut....

The pattern comes from Here:

And..... It needs to be done by Christmas. Or maybe I should say Thanksgiving, that way if I procrastinate - it will still be done?

I don't make Quilts for lots of people for Christmas anymore... here is one reason why:

Recipient - upon opening said quilt " Oh this is SO gorgeous - how long did it take?"
Random person in Room - "I guess 20 hours"
Before Quilter can answer -  - the conversation moves on, and that was that.....

Just an FYI -  UM NOOOOO - 6 months to piece, the actual quilting of it took over 20 hours. But that is now between you and I .....

Not that I am looking for recognition - I have just decided that I will make quilts for me, and mine, and for whom I choose, not everyone I know at Christmas time. Much. Less. Stressful.... and when it is given - it is a gift, not expected... how about you?

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  1. You should have piped up, yeah, the quilting time was 20 hours but there were lots more hours for the piecing , cutting the fabric and choosing the fabric. Of course, I wouldn't be able to think that up on the spur of the moment.

    I keep telling myself that I don't care whether someone understands the quilt in terms of hours/cost. But I do like to see them USE it and not for a dog bed.

  2. I am making my third pieced quilt now -- a requested Christmas quilt for my 16-year-old granddaughter who has been involved every step of the way and understands how much goes into it. I get the same response, though, with knitted items. Made a beautiful pair of cushy socks with specialty yarn around the cuff and showed them to my book club ladies. One woman said she'd take several until I quoted her $24 per pair which barely covered the cost of yarn, not the hours and hours of work. She was horrified and quickly withdrew her request and that's okay. ;-)

  3. Ruh ruh.......someone was in the dog house for that one I am sure! I wish it were easier to come out and help you!

  4. Exactly! You work on it, adding in love and hours, weeks... then you find it folded up and used as the dogs bed. No respect.
    I'm with you. Quilts you want to make only.

  5. Annie1:44 PM

    I make quilts as gifts for special people in my life and hope they will love and appreciate them. However, you never know what the recipient's comments will be or what will happen to the quilt you labored over. Once you give it away (after taking photos of it), it's gone and you no longer have any control over it. Sometimes that's a hard lesson to learn!

  6. Unless it's a charity quilt, I only quilt for family because they know what time and money I have in them.

    Everyone that finds out I quilt wants me to make them a quilt and when I explain the cost they back off. I haven't even gotten into the time yet. LOL!

  7. I don't routinely make quilts on a deadline, it's just too stressful. Once a quilt is completed it will tell me who it needs to go live with.


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