
Monday, July 22, 2013


This summer seems to be just going by so fast - some days I think the day will never end, but most of them.... I wonder where the day went!!! Like this weekend.... Did you know today is Monday? It's CRAZY!!

Team Roping is a craze of Wrangler Man's - something he and his family have done forever.... and so ... we roped...

 I rode a bit, warmed up horses, swung a rope or two, got laughed at  (they keep calling my city girl - I don't get it!!!) and then got behind the camera!!! I love the camera....

The picture above is my brother in law - he swears he never misses.... what do you think?

This is Wrangler Man and my nephew. This nephew is going to compete in High School Rodeo - so this was a practice for him.... we made him work ;-)

Below in the yellow shirt we have Little Bit on Mac... Mac is the same horse Wrangler Man roped on in College.... ( does this make him young? or the horse old?)   Teaming up with his dad ;-)

The Nephew.... he's getting goooood!
 C Roping with his Mom.... This was quite hilarious - he did not expect her to come out and rope immediately. They were giving her grief, since she always works the chutes, she doesn't rope much anymore - and man - did she put them ALL to shame.  She totally Rocked it.... Girl power!!!

My Middle Bit... he has officially outgrown his horse this year, but he loves him. And he is a fun horse.

So.... Photo Op shot - I was trying to show how fast they are moving... did it work?
 And lastly - my guys chasing steers. They were just having a good ol time taking the steers back to the pen. The giggles, the laughter, the fun with the cousins - its the best.  Oh - and where was the oldest child you ask? He decided to go run 9 ( YES NINE!) miles while we were goofing off!!!
We also spent time getting ready for fair, and with Pig.... stay tuned....


  1. I must say, you guys sure know how to throw a party. Not sure what you're feeding your youngin's, but Little Bit seems to have grown another foot since last week.

  2. Makes me miss the kids - wah! We spent so many days like this - wonderful memories! Our girl was at an event at college where they just had dummy roping and she picked up a rope and put every single guy to shame. There's something to be said for that girl power! :)

  3. Thanks for the smile you put on my face. So nice to see a family "work/play" together.

  4. Poor cows, I bet they hate that! HA

  5. Wow that was an action packed weekend!

  6. Promise me the next time I am there I can practice my roping too! LOL


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