
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tales from the Pig - Pig Show Edition

Oh. My Pigness!!!!  Did you know how many creatures there are like me in this town!!! It was a PIG PARTY!! I tell you!!!

The night before the BIG SHOW ( Little American Royal) Farmer Boy and his mom gave me a bath. Never mind that it was freezing cold, and they gave me goosebumps!  Farmer Boy brought out Hot water from the house, and made me a warm bathing solution. Farmer Boys mom was oh so gentle, dipping her towel in the water and washing me.... then that big ol guy - Wrangler Man came by and dumped it on me!! Sheesh!

Anyways - I clean up pretty good!
 We loaded up and drove to the show - I got a brand spanking new pen with fun shavings to burrow in! Farmer Boy cleaned me up till I sparkled!!!

And then.... we waited!!!

Until we were called to this thing.. the show ring.... sounds a little ominous....

They let me out of my pen and corralled me down a long walk way...

Then Farmer Boy and I got to wait in this pen ( that's Farmer boy looking up at his mom - she puts this black thing in front of her face all the time - she must be embarrassed of her face???)

Then they opened the gate - and Whhheeee - all of us were let into the "Show Ring"

Some of these guys looked a little like me - but, well, I have to say I was the shiniest!!!

This guy here - he talks... A LOT!! Holy cow - if someone took that stick out of his hand, I am not sure what he would do, just stand there I guess!.....    ( mom's note- he was an excellent judge...Pig just likes to pick on others!)

Check out this pig - isn't he the coolest colors? I still prefer my shining white skin - but that one's kind of cool!  and that little girl  - I could take her... oh ya!

Check out this one - he's totally brown - he must have a HUGE mud hole!!! Oink Oink!
 This is Farmer Boy's neighbor - she's pretty cool, she checked on us a lot. She showed us how to get to the *Show Ring*  and she had marshmallows - good girl!

Most of the time I was a well respected pig, I did not perform any bodily functions, I stayed- generally - with Farmer Boy.... but towards the end they opened a new gate..... what was I supposed to do?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Brown Centered Strings

Our Heartstrings group is having a Memorial Day Sew in - and I thought between Graduation, parties, and chores I might get a few done..

I have 8 completely finished, 5 more to trim, and maybe 15 in process.... who knew my string bin had gotten that full?

I also worked on my Jacobs ladder quilt - the last 2 blocks... are Sewn COMPLETELY WRONG!!! I guess I should have payed attention - so I tore one out last night and will get to the next one today,

I was Crazy Crafty on Friday - 
I made Graduation cards for the kids..
So many of them participate in the same things we do so I sort of had pictures!!

And LTC T - 

This is Memorial Day
We were priveledged to meet him
and present him with a Quilt of Valor

He has two little boys, so we made sure to get him a bigger one
He told me it was awesome - all three of them can snuggle under it!

My Early Morning walk today
I LOVE airplanes

For more design walls head over to 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Special Memorial Day Weekend Quilt of Valor show

I think that it is quite appropriate to have a special Memorial Day Weekend QOV show!!!  I love that we honor or veterans all year long, but I love that this weekend is another opportunity!!

The following SIX !!! Quilts were pieced by Meredith V in Arizona and Quilted by Ron O of New Mexico.

Every time I see Meredith's quilts I just fall in love and swear I should go shopping with her!! I just love the fabrics she uses!!

Aren't they just bright and cheery!!!

On almost every quilt Ron sneaks a little symbol of America in there... I love helping our soldiers search for it!

Check out Abe Lincoln - did you know that Abraham Lincoln was the first president that was nominated  from the newly formed Republic Party (formed in 1854)  to be elected (1860)?

  ( Civics class - your welcome!)

Jar quilts!! I LOVE! Them!
 So here is an interesting little tidbit - I find that these quilts are wonderful for those recovering from Brain Injuries, they are teaching tools that keep the soldiers comforted at the same time - Win! Win!

This last Jar quilt made Little bit and I laugh!!! Check out the fabrics!!

Oink! Oink!
 Bacon and eggs!!!

Thank you all for stopping by during your weekend!! I hope you are having a wonderful one!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Harriet's Quilt

My Dear Harriet is one of my best partners in Crime.... 
she is a wonderful binder, encourager, and all around fun lady. and OH BOY -
 can she yell ( her grand-kids run cross country with mine!)  

She is part of a Military RV group, and she decided that a particular gentleman who had served in 
*World War II

Deserved a little recognition - I whole heartedly  agreed!!

Here is the Quilt that Harriet Designed:

I quilted it
What a priveledge!!
The stars got swirlies

The center panel got a lot of echo quilting
Which apparently I did not get a picture of!

I was invited to the presentation - and I am so sad - I didn't get one picture!

But it was so cool.
This military group consisted of members of ALL branches of the military.
They did the *song* for each branch,
they did a POW/MIA ceremony 
it gives me goosebumps just remembering.

And then I was asked to do the presentation with Harriet!

The best part !
The smiles and the tears
and the Hugs!!

For more finished Fridays head over to:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/21 Quilt of Valor Show

I am making an attempt this year to make at least one Quilt of Valor a month, but it sort of seems like they come in waves instead... I was finally able to show you the one I made for the Veterans Challenge for HMQS....

And NOW!!! I can show you the one that I collaborated on with Kimmy of   I designed the pattern and you can find the links to all of the steps here  and of course - if you want to Quilt like Kimmy - you can take her Craftsy Class  Machine Quilting with Templates to quilt it.

I would love to take the credit for quilting this one - But alas - Kimmy did it - and it is the one she used in her DVD's - after I show it around a bit and take a little Ohhing and Ahhing it will go to a soldier.

Not to shabby eh?   It is truly gorgeous, and I hope the pictures do it justice!!

Will you be sewing this Memorial Day Weekend? Here are links to two Quilt Patterns that make the perfect size Quilts of Valor:

A Star Quilt  it finishes at 66 x 84 - I know this one can be made in a weekend.
Bulls Eye Log Cabin - it finishes at 60 x 72

Oh!!! Yes!!! The winner of the $20 Gift Certificate to Vicki Welshs Handdyes  is:  Julie in Georgia

Julie I will contact you ( or you can contact me) and we will get that to you!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Step 4 in the PatchworkTimes Quilt a long

I do realize that Judy has posted 8 steps so far... but I am tickled that I just!!  finished Step 4....

I have the other steps printed, and as soon as I can I will start on Step 5 ! Whoot Whoot

AND.... we have casts off!!!  Is that not awesome! My child can now open the doors again, he is excited!

The tools they use were a little intimidating... but the end results - worth it!
Alright - back to sewing... you might notice there were some string blocks there too - they are from This sew along  , even though it doesn't really start until the weekend, we all know that I am the turtle, so I needed a head start LOL!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happiness Project week 3

Alright  - I admit... I can not be happy every moment.... and I kinda honestly thought that if I told myself to be happy, and enjoy the moment I could force it... lesson learned.  Now how to change my attitude during these times....

One of the things I was going to do this week was focus on my cars, and you all - oh. My! Goodness. I think that common sense is just not common. We live out of town, and all past experiences tell me that my vehicles have to go to town to get fixed. After 5 hours of calling, call backs, and scheduling, the window people graciously decided to come here, as the auto body shop just couldn't fathom a person not living within 10 minutes of town... it was quite hilarious... But!  I do have 2 new windshields, no new door handle, and a recall to go take care of ( in town!)      ( I am calling this 50% done)

Saturday evening, as I was being grumpy, and wondering why I just couldn't shake it, my kids came running in and said MOM - look out back - there was a double rainbow....

Just shy of 2 years ago we lost a cousin and her 3 girls - we call them the Over the Rainbow girls....

I think..
Okay - I know
That popped me out of it!
 And now! To continue working on things that make me happy! I think I am going to try to get back to the hour of piecing - that really did soothe me, and make me relax. This last week I didn't get to piece but on Friday...  

And I am going to try to pinpoint at least one good thing each day... maybe... even write it down - so I focus on finding the good, rather than the grumpy  ( I have a Grumpy Sweatshirt from Disneyland... I have been wearing it LOL - just to warn people!)

In The Happiness Project Book - she only focuses on one aspect of her life per month - I think I understand that better now.  To stay focused requires a little discipline , at least for me.

When you get unhappy - what is something that you do?

Friday, May 17, 2013

HMQS Veterans Challenge Quilt

I can finally say - It. Is. Done!  It is in Utah and is awaiting its presentation to a Veteran there! I am so excited.

I have never entered a challenge before where the quilts would be in a quilt show. I like knowing that the quilt would be presented to a Veteran later on too - a win win situation.

 These are the fabrics we were sent... I am usually a find fabrics to make the pattern I want kind of girl... so this was a challenge right off the start for me!
I had lots of help along the way.
As I had my quilt up on the design wall - it left me room for other's opinions.
The boys have lots of opinions.....

But I got it pieced and starting quilting it..

and more quilting

And here it is!

And again - I think this one shows more of the quilting detail.
You can click on it to see it bigger

And the back!

And the binding.
And why yes... I did do the binding.... It was the major holdup in getting it sent off 
and that is my finish!!  For more finished head to: