
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Speaking at Quilt Guilds

You might know this - or maybe you don't.... but every once in a while I am scheduled to speak at a quilt guild. So far this year I have 3 bookings in Colorado.... It makes me feel loved....  ( and I get to use all my words!!!)

Our guild was scheduled to have a speaker in this last week, and a family member got sick. She needed to leave to take care of them, and I got to be the pinch hitter.

It was great!!  I explained to them right off the bat - that they had to pretend they didn't know me, laugh at my jokes - even if they had already heard them, and ohh and ahh appropriately.

They succeeded... I still Love them!

I talked about my journey through quilting and got to show them some of my favorite quilts - that are still in my possession. Want to see a few?

I still think this purple and green quilt is one of my all time favorites.
Every time I show it to a family member they try to borrow it - for ever.... 
I take that as a good sign!

I love this quilt - I just love the florals and the little guy laying next to it.
Those were the days when we had no furniture in the house.... it seemed so big...
Now we have huge backpacks, 14 pairs of shoes, coveralls and boots for all....
gloves, hats.... couches - oh boy!!

Well - I am off to quilt - 
After my little breakdown last night - the kids are making sure I sit by a machine.
Even if it is just to feel the love of my machine......


  1. Judy V from Thornton, CO10:51 AM

    Gee, if I am away from my sewing and quilting machines too long, I can't wait to get my mitts on them, lol. There is something soothing about piecing.....

    Enjoy your machine!

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Thanks so much for bringing smiles, quilts and good information- really enjoyed your talk at our guild! You ARE loved much!
    just joan

  3. I would LOVE to sit in on one of your lectures! Lil' Bit looks so cute in that pic! LOL


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