
Friday, April 12, 2013

Quilters Block Part 2

I loved each and every suggestion for this quilt. The one I liked the most was finding a way to seperate the rows.  I need it to be simple though - because.... time is not in my favor this month. I still may not have it done, but I might have it pinnable enough.... right....

I had some starry yellow - so I cut it up into 2 1/2 inch strips, and started seperating. I think I will put small stars as the corners, and some sort of bluish border???  The jury is still out on that - but I like looking at it.....

In other news.... I did get Something done - BEFORE the deadline.... just happy about that....

And my child - Thank you for the well wishes.. you all made his day. He had a little bit of a snowboarding accident , thus - the casts. Totally irritated him  - seriously!! We have 2 more days of snowboarding, and he has to watch - NOT his thing!! ( the watching that is)

Oh well - for other finished fridays go to and


  1. Your quilt looks great. Stars in the corners or even around one corner or opposite corners....sorry I'm babbling...LOL

  2. Two thumbs up on the sashing between the rows - love it. I am behind again. I did not know your young'un was injured. Not fun. Hope he's on the mend soon!

  3. I like the yellow sashing with the rows.

  4. The yellow sashing works really well. Good luck on meeting your deadline with this one.

  5. I like how the sashing breaks it up, and whatever you choose for the borders (Personally, I would choose midnight blue for contrast.) will look amazing as usual Alycia!


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