
Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Happiness Project

Have you ever read the book "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin?  I have not finished it, but started reading it this weekend.  In her intro she talks about being a generally happy person, but she just wondered if there was more out there... and she starts researching happiness.

This was quite intriguing to me, because I am a generally happy person. I try to dwell on the positives... and I try to be encouraging, and in general I LOVE my life.... but there are some days - at the end of the day... I am just grumpy... and no amount of chocolate can fix it!

I loved reading ( and am still reading) about her approach to happiness.... but her thoughts got me to thinking - what is it that makes me truly happy?

Of course - my children and my husband are number 1
and  my Quilting, and Photography and my Animals and my QOV project.....

On the flip side - those seem to be the first things that stress me too - how is that?

It made me think  Judys Getting it Done  project was sort of similar - it helped us to focus on things we want to do....and to keep us on track.....

As I was driving home ( from a rather trying place) I was really thinking about Happiness, and how I can make sure that not only am I happy, but how I can help make those around me happy, that I don't bring them down, and that I can encourage others. How can I incorporate the things I love into daily life, and make sure I am filled too.

The thing that popped into my mind first - was to work on being healthy. I am not fat, but I might be a little fluffy in places. I don't like to diet - it makes me sad - so I thought maybe I would try to figure out what changes I could make this next week to work on being healthier. And then if I was healthier I would have more energy , and then..... I could QUILT more.... pretty good huh?

So - diet - I don't know what I weigh - I don't really care...but I know that when my clothes get tighter I DON"T WANT TO GO SHOPPING.... I would rather buy fabric.....  and shorts season is coming up.... maybe... don't want to jinx that....

Here is my list this week:
* Eat 2 fruits every day ( you would think this would be easy - but I like, maybe 4 different fruits.... weird right?)
* Eat 2 servings of salad a day
*Drink 8 glasses of water - BEFORE I am allowed to have a Coke, Dr Pepper etc.
*No Snacking after 9 pm

Mind you-I can survive on Chocolate, Dr Pepper, Doritos and cheese..... so this will be a big change for me. Maybe I will have so much energy - I will try to *gasp* exercise ....

Wish me luck....


  1. I wish you lots of luck. I should join you. I could live on unhealthy foods too. I am going back to walking on a regular basis. I need the stress relief.

  2. Good Luck! My doctor told me to drink more water to help my migraines. the next time I went to see him, he asked me how much water I was drinking a day and I said 1-1/2 liters. He almost jumped out of his chair and said you can die from drinking too much water! Really? 1 liter isn't even that much. I guess you just can't win. I'll be cheering you on!

  3. Good luck with your happiness project. You are being realistic about the dietary changes, that should go a long way towards making your plan successful.

  4. I'll do it with you! I am a bit overweight and more than fluffy but like you I could survive on certain things that are not so good for me. Mine are sweet tea, cheetos and anything with bread pretty much.

    I'm going to make the vow to eat two fruits and two salads a day and drink water also, not sweet tea.

    You can do it! :D And so can I...

  5. Good for your new routine of eating more fruits and less fatty foods. I love the idea of drinking 8 glasses of water before any soda. Wish I could convince my DH to to that. He would lose some pounds I'm sure and be so good for his diabetes. Good luck and keep us posted.

  6. I definitely need to adopt these goals. I'm weak and lazy and I admit it.....


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