
Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Wrangler Man's Sister and her family own a horse business, and they raise the CUTEST horses. The yearlings are in at the house starting their training... so Lil' Bit and I took an excursion to go see them.

Little Bit wants to be a photographer - so I set him up with one of my cameras, gave him a tiny little how to, and let him go.... he had so much fun. These colts are SO curious, and they loved having someone their size in their corrals!

Check out the tongue ;-)

Oh yes,I am shy.... but seriously - this IS my good side!

Wha choo doin?

I just love this...
Such a curious little colt!

Posing with my Buddy

How come there is NO treat in that hand????

Hmm Hmm 

Yes - I am handsome - and I know it!

This one was the ham.
He followed Lil' Bit everywhere
We had a fun *shoot* and took a ton pf pictures.
My Sister in Law was so nice, she let the horses out in the big pasture,
helped us put them back ,and sorted them so we could pretend to be BIG photographers!


  1. I think you need to let that kid use your "np big girl" camera next time.....great pics.

  2. Lil' Bit did a great job taking the pictures. I love them. What fun. As a child living in the city, my one big wish was to be able to live on a ranch and have horses. I still live in a city and still do not have horses although my property does have horse privileges (and I woke up one morning and my husband was tearing down the horse corral so he could store junk (he called them antiques) cars. Oh well. I can live vicariously through Lil' Bit's pictures.

  3. Love those pics! Thank you and Lil'Bit for sharing.

  4. O!M!G! I would have been in HOG HEAVEN at that shoot! Way to go Lil' Bit!

  5. Great pictures. What a fun intro to photography!

  6. What a fun day! Lil' Bit is getting a great start on a promising career, and horses are one of my favorite subjects too! I have a hard time remembering to come back in and get dinner ready for the crew when they are out working cattle horseback. Looking forward to seeing more of what he's shooting!


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