
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

4/1 Quilt of Valor Show - the Liz edition

Liz.... is.... well, in one word - AWESOME!!

She said she had some time to quilt so..... I, um, might have taken advantage of her.... but I think she still loves me ( right Liz??)

Let me show you some of these awesome Quilts of Valor that she longarm quilted for us!!

This first one was pieced by Kevin the Quilter  - he rocks!! I love the inner scrappy border - it calls to me!

I love how Liz quilted it too - all circles - isn't that awesome?

Next we have a quilt from Andee - 
Andee - sent this one from a Mystery4Military quilt pattern. 

 This next one was made by Connie and Kathy 
Sometimes I get confused which one of them puts the top together !
They are an awesome team - and such wonderful friends.

This one was made by Carole
It has lot of  applique stars - and I love it!

 And Liz quilted it with  lots of stars - click on the picture for a closer look!

And here is another one by that fabulous duo - Connie and Kathy!!
Want to know a secret? They are so fabulous - they will probably offer to bind it too.
THAT is how AMAZING they are!!

How about those smiling faces?
I love that these ladies let us take their picture.
They were so surprised that a quilt was made for them. 
And even more amazing was - they chose colors that were their favorites!!

 You thought I let Liz off with just 5 Quilts didn't you?
Nope - I totally took advantage of her!

This is another one from that fabulous Kathy and Connie Duo!

Whoops - I showed you the close up first!
Here is the whole quilt.
They used some of the Moda Block Drive Blocks

Remember in November When we did the Scrappy Trips Block Drive?
Here are two that are all finished now!!

So... have you guessed that it is a little hard to keep up with that fabulous duo?
This is another by Connie and Kathy
Between them and Liz.... I am totally amazed!!!

Just for kicks - here is the back!

This great quilt is an Atkinson Design pattern
and was made by Kathy ( 1/2) of the duo!
Don't you just love how that turned out???

And then... the last quilt that Liz Quilted for us this month!!
This one was made by Mary M - 
it is the New Years Day Sit and Sew pattern from Judy L

Again - the back
The backs are just as cool as the fronts sometimes!!

Well Ms Liz - you totally outdid yourself - and I greatly appreciate it!!!

If you are looking for a fun pattern that it perfect for a Quilt of Valor
Check out this pattern - its on Craftsy and its free.
It is the Bulls Eye Block that we just did for our Block drive


  1. Great show today, Alycia! So inspiring.

  2. Wonderful show and so much fun to see. I just sent you 10 blocks from the block drive. I hope you still need them. I'm sure you will put them to good use. It was a quick, easy block to do. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Great quilts and thanks for sharing.

  4. Wonderful work, everyone!

  5. Thanks for showing all those wonderful QOV!!

  6. WOW! You are getting A LOT of quilts done! They all look great! I've said it before, and I will say it again! You are an angel on earth to do such good work for others!

  7. Great job everyone! I and my husband enjoyed the show just now.

  8. Anonymous2:37 PM

    What wonderful quilts! You have a lot coming in, and that's so wonderful!

  9. Great job girls! Thanks for finishing mine up and getting it on its way to a hero!

  10. Beautiful quilts! Liz did a fantastic job with the quilting.


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