
Monday, March 18, 2013

Track Meet

My National Quilt day was spent at my first track meet Ever!  It was supposed to be a wonderfully warm and sunny day, and instead it was perfectly chilly and windy, and I was very grateful to BE a Quilter.... who keeps plenty of quilts in her car!!

My oldest son decided to run track this year. Fun!

And of course, another opportunity to take pictures ;-)

He ran the 3200m, the 1600m and the 4 x 800 relay.

Here he is running with another PV Runner - they are great friends - its fun to watch them run together.

And the Yay! I finished, and I didn't trip pose.....

And while you are waiting for the next event for your kid - they do the hurdles! If you have never seen those live - get thee to a track meet.... Oh My Gosh - those hurdlers - they are awesome!!!
 Our team is the Blue and white team, and the kid above won 4th overall and the kiddo below won 2nd.
They were done running them in like - a FLASH!!  I think I might have been the embarrassing parent....  

I said  - again... run them again!!!
It was quite a fun day - and I sure had a good time, although my feet were pretty cold when I was done....

And Sunday - you would think I would have had some time then to sew right? Nope - Kiddo number 2 is our computer whiz, so after church he had computer class, and I had to go get some "stuff" ( I'll show you tomorrow) and then bring him back home, and ka-blam - the weekend was over .....*sigh*

So - what did you all do for Quilting Day?


  1. I was going to ask, "Where do you live?" (Then I read, "Colorado.") Because the hurdles say "BeetDiggers" - What a mascot!

  2. Every time I wrap up on a quilt at an event, I get lots of attention and lots of people wanting to know if I'll share. LOL. Cheering on your kids is always the perfect way to spend the day. Those hurdles always amaze me. I don't bend that way. LOL Next time take some toes warmers! :)

  3. Well, I sure needed the help of your 3 young gentleman. I was raking and burning leaves, moving tree pieces, and digging up fence posts on National Quilting Day. Glad you had a fun day out!

  4. Judy V from Thornton CO11:32 AM

    Looks like a slightly chilly day for track...good thing you have quilts in your car!

    I did not get to do any quilt work, either. Too tired from cleaning the house and then having a fun corned beef meal with our friends the next day. But I will make up for it during the week!

  5. I picked oranges and tangerines offf of our trees... gotta get them off before the blossoms and bees come.

  6. Congrats to your runner(s)! I celebrated NQD (National Quilting Day) attending a local quilt show!

  7. Both of my boys run track, although our outdoor season doesn't start until April 2nd. Track meets are such a festive atmosphere, with different events happening at different spots. I actually ran hurdles one year in high school. I enjoyed it, but I was terminally slow. On NQD, I cut some strips for a quilt border. I hope you get some quilting time this week!

  8. wendiq3:54 PM

    Got my lovely hand dyed fabric today.....Thank You and Vicki!

  9. When we had our daughter, I never realized what an education was in store for me on the sports front. Seems you've had the same opportunity. Hope number 1 son did well!


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