
Thursday, March 28, 2013

How I do Binding

Sue in Scottsdale asked me how I do my binding.... so - I thought I would show you how I do it...

not that how I do it is right.... it's just how I do it....

I start with a 2 1/2 inch strip of fabric and iron it in half, wrong sides together.
Then I apply it using a 3/8 inch seam. 
Why 3/8's?  its the size of my foot on the machine, and I found it was easier to teach my kids to line of the edge of the foot, with the edge of the quilt, and the binding....

I apply it to the back side. So the raw edges of the binding line up with the raw edge of the quilt.

Before the two ends meet, I stop sewing, so that I leave a 10 inch tail on each end,
Then I pull the two edges up, and pin them.

yes, I do know there is a diagonal way to do it, I just don't like it that way, so I pin the two edges together and sew a 3/8 inch seam, 

it looks like this on the back,.....

When I am done sewing the two, I usually press it, seam open..

And then I stitch that down,
Turn the quilt over and pull the binding around.

I use a zig zag stitch and finish up the binding.

I have seen others use decorative stitches, and I like that too...

And Ta - da
I am finished.

This is a faster way of binding for me.
Also - the majority of my quilts are being used by soldiers, kids, or my family - so they get a lot of yanking, pulling and quite possibly washing. I think ( and this is MY opinion only) the binding is stronger this way.

Hope that helps someone - and answers Sue's question?


  1. I agree it would be very rugged. I did zigzag and decorative stitches on all my kids quilts years ago, some quilts only the edges survived! I wish more people would machine stitch bindings for their QOVs. I have repaired several quilt bindings on old quilts that were done by hand years ago. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks, Alycia. Binding has always been a frustration for me and I've tried many different ways. I'm always glad to see how someone else puts their binding on. I still don't have a way that is "my" way but I'm getting closer.

  3. Thanks for posting that you zig zag the edges. That's what I do and I was feeling sort of bad because it is "officially" forbidden on QOVs according to the requirement sheets.

  4. I zig zag bindings too even though officially QOVs aren't allowed to have that type of binding. Glad I'm not the only one!

  5. Thanks for the pictures. I'll have to consider using your technique for my next QOV. However, the only machine I have that has a zigzag stick is my small Janome Gem. My regular machine is a straight stitch only. I'll have to find an empty table (they are few and far between!) to set up the other sewing machine.

  6. I use a method very similar to yours. My grandchildren use their quilts every day in every way, and I saw that the hand stitched bindings were coming apart. Now all my bindings are machine stitched--either straight, zigzag, or decorative. I'm with you--functional quilts need strong bindings.

  7. Great minds think alike! I do my binding (when I bind) the same way. As did my grandmother, and great aunts! Thanks for the tutorial!


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