
Thursday, November 08, 2012

QOV Mystery Quilting Class is here

Due to popular demand Kim Brunner's Quilting class has been released early on Craftsy !!I am so excited.... and am demanding computer/quilting time around here!!!  

First off - If you missed the pattern for the Mystery Quilt - here you go!  ( I aim to please!!)  This is step one, and the steps are all listed on my blog under the header of Free Patterns

Second.... check these quilts out!!

This top is made by Jackie D of Arizona!!

This is Kathleens. She brought her picture to Houston to show the Craftsy people... and they included me in the loop - LOVE it!!

 And this one is from Vicki S - she sent it to me over Facebook - talk about adding a little jaw dropping detail - WOW!!

And this completely finished one came from Sharon B in Utah!! 
(ps) it was just delivered to the WTB

Third.... I watched the first part of Kim's class last night - and I thought - Ok!! I am going to get my quilt out, and start preparing it....and then I forgot that I knew that I had sent mine to her to quilt, and I knew that I needed to make another one, and I pulled the fabric out... so I wondered where the top was....

I think... I just might be a little scatterbrained.... know where my top is? Unfinished.... *sigh*

Oh well - I know I won't be bored right????

If you have made the top... quilted or not I would love to post it here! You can email it to me, or facebook ( alycia carmin)  it to me.... 

Oh and check this link out.... I bet you might know this person ;-)


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Those are gorgeous, and that one with the modified border! WOW! That is definitely a jaw dropper!

    Mine top is finished, I just won't be able to work on it until Christmas. Wah! (Yes, I am whining!) Too many customer tops come first...bummer!

    I would also do something like forget I had sent my top to Kimmy and not had another waiting...Want me to send you mine and you can get started now? You can send me yours when you are finished...LOL. The timing should be about right!

    Can't wait to start the class!


  2. Pat R.1:22 PM

    I would have gladly offered my QOV top for Kimmy to quilt!!...but, alas, it appears I have to quilt mine, myself. I haven't watched all of Kimmy's Craftsy segments, but I will....and I promise to try to quilt mine so it at least resembles hers in a small way!!


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