
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


All of those wonderful Quilts of Valor that come this way.... they get to go to some amazing Veterans. The day before Thanksgiving I got to hang out in my favorite battalion, and get teased a little bit about my lack of acceptance of military time.... but it was all good.

We helped prepare some things for Turkey day, and helped to make sure turkeys were available. ( 45 given out!!!)  We also caught the newest inductees into our Battalion. Can you imagine making changes, such as moving - over a holiday? 

I know some of these quilts haven't quite debuted in their own quilt show yet, but they are needed now, so off they went to their forever homes. They will still appear in a quilt show - I promise.

So this one above? Sir is WAY tall... I mean tippy toe to reach tall - but super cool! This quilt was by Vicki W . I impressed him. Told him about the quilt and the maker. 
He thought I was amazing.... until I showed him the label. It kind of gave me away *sigh*

This Darling here - absolutely the sweetest thing ever! She has daughters. Can you imagine the excitement those girls will have to curl up with Mom and this quilt?
Made by Marilyn

This lovely man was going to host a Thanksgiving dinner!  He fell in love with this quilt because it had some M&M dudes on there. ( again - you will have to wait till the quilt show to see them)

And here is where my memory fails me... I am pretty sure that this quilt was made by Connie and Kathy in another quilt show... but I think... Okay I know... they took away my Dr Pepper and I was fading...  But isn't this a lovely smile. I love the smiles that these quilts get!! 

Totally makes our day!  You all - I can not tell you how Thankful I am on a daily basis for the support you show our Wounded Warriors. I can not thank you enough for the quilts, the blocks, the backings... you all make a HUGE difference.

These Quilts Hug, they Comfort and they keep them warm. Life is not easy for some, and I love that these quilts can give them a big hug... so again THANK YOU!!!

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