
Saturday, September 08, 2012

More Quilts of Valor

Are you ready for some more Quilts of Valor?
It never ceases to amaze me at how lovely these are - and how creative people can get!!

This first quilt was made by The Longmont Quilt bee - headed up by Gina
It was quilted by Judy P in Denver

Another one by the Longmont Quilt bee  and Quilted by Judy P - 
Judy was one busy quilting woman!!!

Because she also quilted this one - pieced by Susan S and Quilted by Judy

And of course - when Judy thought she was done - there was another one wot quilt. This one was made by our Pieceable Friends Quilt guild - we all made the blocks - I think I put the top together, and Judy did the quilting!

The last two quilts for today were made by the Gloria Christie Quilters here in Greeley - they are a prolific group! Not only do they made some Quilts of Valor - they make them for lots of other groups!

Hope that inspired you some - now go quilt !! 


  1. I love all of these quilts, but those pieced stars are wonderful.

  2. I really love the visual interest of the first two (they're all lovely) and feel the need to get my church group started on a couple of those!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. Beautiful quilts. I'm amazed at how prolific many quilters are! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love them all... the patterns look deceptively difficult, but the more I looked the easier they seemed... like the first one. Just plain squares with some strip pieces. WOW what an impact. Yes! you did inspire.


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