
Thursday, September 06, 2012

Marching Band

As you well may be aware of by now, by all my whining, and crying, and nashing of teeth - my oldest little goombah is a senior.... and this is his last year playing the drums in the Marching band.  We had a parade in our little town, but right before it we had a 5K run - and so Wrangler Man, Little Bit and myself ran the 5K.

As we were recuperating we heard the drums - and I panicked - my baby was already playing an marching and I wasn't there with my trusty camera to embarrass him.. So I ran to the car, grabbed my camera and started chasing the band.. well not really, our town is small enough that I knew where they were going to come back again.... so I went there...

All that to say - My baby is not a baby any more... and he looks down on me, and *sob, sob* I think.... are you ready for this.... he may .... Shhhhh  be growing up!!!

Oh!! First - check out that cool car!!! See the saddle on it ? I loved it!! and I want one!!

Here comes the band......

Look - My Baby
He is playing the snare drum this year.
the last two years he played the quads 

There he is again - you can NEVER have too many pictures of your baby right?

I mean - you should see the boxes of pictures I have for each kid... there wives ( gasp sputter sputter cough) will be able to see them in all of their days, weeks, months, years.... 

Oh Look - a horse!! - 
That's my buddy - she is waving at me!!!

Now to go quilt.....


  1. Cotton pickin' kids! Who told them they could grow up anyway? I told the MArine recruiter that he was MY kid before he was their Marine! Has your baby chosen a college? Who ever heard of sending babies to college anyway.

  2. Yup, you can never have too many pictures of your youngin's. I can send Dolly out to console you when he heads off to college. She can even help around the house. She's very good at gathering shoes. And she'd love playing with the horses. Thank goodness someone invented telephones, e-mail, texting and tweeting. You can easily contact him at college and make sure he's following "the rules."

  3. ...don't forget, grandchildren love seeing their parents when they were kids! It's a concept that kids have difficulty grasping... *lol*

    If it will make you feel any better, my oldest grandchild/son is my height... so... right at 5'10" ... talk about feeling old!

  4. There are days I'm glad we have a young lady, other days, I really wish I had that cute toddler back.

    Hold on to all those potential blackmail shots, I'm sure they will come in handy!


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