
Friday, September 28, 2012

it's Friday!!!

This week - this is a yay!!! Wranger Man is home, I slept in till 6am... we have a cross country meet tonight and football is an away game ( I don't go to those) and I have a DVD waiting for me.  My sewing table is cleaned off and ready to be used...

It doesn't get much better than that... except maybe if there is chocolate!!

In my quest to learn all I can about photography, I have gotten a lot of "deletes" pictures. And I think they are kind of funny. 

From the first glance - I though - O this is pretty good, but when you click close up - that fence is the best part of the photo....I kind of lost my focus.... hmmmm

And then I thought - oh I will take photos of the band at night. I took some great ones of them on the field for the first performance... I think my confidence was a little ( teesy weensey bit) too high.... 

The blur was the best!! And the cymbals glare - oh my goodness - and the sticks in double motion... gracious ( oh the other hand that is my boy with the sticks.... so at least he did show up!)

The tuba player said... get me... and oh boy... did I miss!! Because it was dark I set the light exposure for a little longer, but I forgot that no one is allowed to move then.. and they Moved!!!

This one right here?  It's my absolute favorite!! EVER!! Its the stars!!!  My house is out in the dark, away from most city lights and the stars... oh Lordy - I lay on the deck and just stare sometimes.... so I thought I could capture it... sure nuf!!!   

I was mistaken!

Oh well, it is a fun learning experience. And since I don't have to pay for picture development, and I can delete them -

And once I delete them......
they really don't exist....

Hmmm... does that mean you aren't really reading this post?  ( creepy......)


  1. Hmm, I like this logic. If you delete the pictures so they don't exist, does that mean after you eat chocolate, it didn't exist either?

  2. Ha,'re not alone. I've taken a lot of pictures like that too. I read ll these grat things about how to take better pictures and then I manage to forget it all when I'm actually taking pictures of something that counts.

  3. Your commentary is hilarious! Your photography skills will only get stronger from trial and error.....much like quilting! Enjoy your "ME" time! Hopefully the chocolate ambassador will visit!

  4. Those are "artsy pics" not deletes! You just need a different angle to see them.

  5. You win for making an interesting post out of nothing.


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