
Monday, August 13, 2012

Design Wall Monday

It's looking pretty bleak today....

This is a part of my Row Robin challenge group. I turned in my last one, and got the next one. Now there are two rows, and I have to design the third. I think I FINALLY figured out what I want to do... I found the fabric... now TO DO!!

I did finish quilting this QOV! 
It was made by 
It was actually sent to me a while ago, but I was trying to get all the generic, and manly ones done. I thought it was time to finish this one, and get it out there!!

And - the back
The bright Pink Thread showed up well!!

For more design walls head over to


  1. As always, your quilting is superb. Love those feathers!

  2. The pink quilt is beautiful!
    Jane in KS

  3. Wow I really like the quilting on this star. I have a star quilt to quilt I might have to practice my feathers. They don't come naturally to me, but I love them.

  4. What a beautiful quilt, love all the feathering!

  5. Such a pretty quilt!
    And getting the idea for a RR row is half the battle...making it's the easy part!

  6. Love the pink Carpenter Star, it's beautiful!


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